First Grow, Using CFL's

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
10% is very very week I would go at least 25% for the first feed.

What dose it say on the bottle of feed is it liquid or powder?


Active Member
also when i feed nutrients. should i be feeding it like i water? have it run off a bit underneith?


Active Member
Nice plant, very vigorous growth. She don't look too hungry to me yet BUT a 25% feed wont hurt as suggested above by welsh wizz :-) Are you PH testing your water? An initial test to check the PH of your water would be a good idea but its looking fine to me. You mentioned moss in your thread, I use sphagnum moss to line the bottom of my pots, just a thin layer and my growth rates have increased significantly since I statred doing this, it holds moisture constantly around those roots but lets them breath, I swear by the stuff nowdays. Its worth noting for example that Bio Bizz soil contains moss in the mix too. Try it next grow?

I'm subscribed, fingers crossed for a girl.


Active Member
Thanks MatureSmoker. i have been following your grow for a week or 2 now. yes i use Sphaghum Peatmoss. accept i used 10% perlite and a 50/50 split moss/top soil. next time i will definately line the bottom, im also considering doing something like Subcools super soil for my final transplant. just have to prepare for it next time. i wil start checking my PH of my water. i use a revers osmosis system with a UV filter, and i also leave it out for 24 hours before watering. but i never even thought to check the PH. my fish tank PH tester shoul dbe fine right? the ones with the drops? only to check never to lower PH


Active Member
I used 50% strength fish concentrate/emulsion even on young seedlings and they didn't show any signs of distress.


Well-Known Member
hey tk...thx for stopping by my thread. Great box you built, i really liked the use of the quarter round on the door...clever. those shoots in the pics are definitely not pistils, you'll know em when you see them, trust me. Nothing looks more beautiful than the first one or two pistols :-) +rep peace:leaf:


Active Member
woke up this morning and my plant looks really stressed! i dont know if its because i added a bunch of LST last night. but there is definately something off with this plant. the leaves just arent growing the same anymore. and the leaves arent parrallel to the grown, they are very droopy! i dont think it can be from underwatering, im sure it was from over watering the day before yesterday! maybe i will fertilize tomorro


Active Member
hey bro wuts up man thanx for the info on that fertalizer im going to try to get my hands on that today i started lst today also on the two biggest ones only. so how do i even use this fertalizer? one of my plants are also looking a bit droopy i hope it pops rite bak up tho soon


Active Member
Wow, your plants are really bushy for a CFL grow, even with LST.

Since you just watered/fed not long ago my advice would be to leave her alone as much as possible. Check your humidity and temps, make sure everything is in range, and then don't mess with anything else.

Give her a chance to recover, but keep an eye to make sure it doesn't get worse.


Active Member
temps yesterday did hit 29C as it is a new box and i was at work and had my gf monitoring it. so when i called and found out, i had her crack the door open. until i got home! its still cracked until i get a good exhaust fan. I will definately leave her alone for a couple days unless i see any colouration loss on the leaves


Active Member
Wow, your plants are really bushy for a CFL grow, even with LST.

Since you just watered/fed not long ago my advice would be to leave her alone as much as possible. Check your humidity and temps, make sure everything is in range, and then don't mess with anything else.

Give her a chance to recover, but keep an eye to make sure it doesn't get worse.
Is bushy good? its a very very indica plant from what i can see


Well-Known Member
Oooo TK, Im not to sure whats wrong with her, But watch her close! Let us kno!!



Well-Known Member
yeah its supposed to be bushy, you can tell if its an indica or sativa just by the leave's width and growth, if its skinny and long, grows tall and not bushy then it is a sativa plant (they're usually not very bushy), if its short and bushy with wide leaves, then its an indica. indica grows more bud, but sativa has more thc.


Active Member
yeah its supposed to be bushy, you can tell if its an indica or sativa just by the leave's width and growth, if its skinny and long, grows tall and not bushy then it is a sativa plant (they're usually not very bushy), if its short and bushy with wide leaves, then its an indica. indica grows more bud, but sativa has more thc.

YUP!! how i wish it was a sativa ahaha.

im just alittle frustated with it right now and not knowing why its hurting i hope it bounces back strong