First Grow-Using limited number of CFLs


Active Member
First grow, and I used three CFL's for the first week for 10 plants. Due to limited money, I could only afford to purchase more 26W(100W output) lights. I now have four 42W, five 26W, and one 18W CFLs, plus a 3000K fluroesent light.

Since I was growing ten plants, I was suprised by the results. I planted them on June 6th, and started flowering June 30th. Its a pretty cheap setup, but Im interested to see the results in the next few weeks. I wil keep you guys posted when I start seeing who the girls I have are :mrgreen:
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What do you guys think?


Active Member
This is their first day under the HPS, so hopefully I will be harvesting more than popcorn-size colas now that it is no longer a strictly CFL grow.

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I cannot wait until next grow, where it will be Aurora Indica and pure New York City Diesel instead of bagseed. :eyesmoke: