First Grow : Week 3 - Thought's/Suggestions?


Hello all, as the title of this post suggests, I am a first time grower, and I am extremely excited and ambitious. I am on three weeks to date from planting, and would love to hear your input!

A little info on my setup, I'm growing in a closet, its a triangle shape, so the space used is about 3x2x10 with a shelf at 6ft up. I am running (4) 100w daylight CFL's kept at about 4" and (1) 300w soft white CFL kept at about 6" "The 300w CFL will soon be replaced with a blue led panel until flowering"
they are on a 24/7 cycle

I live in the desert, so my original humidity was about 15%. I have a humidifier running 24/7 keeping it right around 50-60% as well as a 12" hanging fan in the closet. The temp stays between 85-90* NEVER over or under.

I started in dixiecups, and transplanted after two weeks into 3ga. Pots; where I plan on keeping them permanently. I started with miracle gro seed starter, then switched to miracle gro potting mix. I typically water every 2-3 days with a light mist for the leaves.

I plan on buying an Atlas air filter/ionizer. It has a carbon and hepa filter, and charges the air with negative ions.
I cannot cut venting into this closet!!!!!

I am unsure of the seeds strains, their bagseeds, I am ordering autoflowers and will have another post for those.
So far, it appears I have one indica and one sativa on my hand.

The plants have lived low stress, they each caught their share of dehyration before the humidifier, and had small buts of nutrient burn(no more signs of this) had a smooth transplant, and the most stress ive observed came from a slight over water, and i added the humidifier. They've been recovering nicely.

As mentioned earlier, i think one sativa and one indica, the presumed indica is growing very wide, with 3,5,7 fingers, the presumed sativa is growing taller, with 3,5,7,9 fingers, this plant also has weird mutated mini, bladeless 8th fingers on two leaves!!Snapchat-2701000313649924283.jpg20141128_044744.jpg 20141114_144626.jpg 20141114_144709.jpg 20141124_224154_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141124_224145_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141124_224217_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141126_203637.jpg 20141128_141857.jpg 20141128_044744.jpg Snapchat-2701000313649924283.jpg 20141114_144626.jpg 20141114_144709.jpg 20141124_224154_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141124_224145_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141124_224217_Richtone(HDR).jpg 20141126_203637.jpg 20141128_141857.jpg 20141128_044744.jpg Snapchat-2701000313649924283.jpg

Any suggestions, see anything im doing wrong?
Any info i might've left out? I am very detail oriented so small things matter here.


Here, you can see one of the 8fingered leaves as well as my growth chart, diamond is the taller skinner plant, and catwoman is the wider bulkier plant. You can also see my first 9 finger leaves!

Also, not noted before, I spend time with these plants, smoke with them, and they have music during most day hours!!

