First grow, week one summary. Please share your insight....


Hey all. This is my first-ever real attempt at an indoor grow. I have a real low-key CFL closet setup, but I've done a fuckton of research, so I'm happy with its simplicity. I germinated from midgrade bagseeds. My babies have been growing for a week now and look fantastic. I hope to switch to red spectrum CFL bulbs and start flowering by mid October. I do know, however, that of the six plants I have now, the chances of ending up with a pure female to harvest isn't great. I'll be happy if I yield three hermies that give me enough smoke to last through the next grow. If everything goes at least that well, I'm gonna take the leap and get bank seeds. As space and odor control are my biggest obstacles, I'm thinking about trying Northern Lights. I'm in the US but I've heard Canadian seed banks are a little safer from interception than their Dutch counterparts. Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
welcome to the tank good to have you here hope to follow a hell of a journal with your northern lights..peace pot prosperity...hey roseman ive got 10 fresh n/L seeds came in last week i was going to bypass them because i thought they would be to tall for my closet space how tall does yours get or how do you keep the hight down??


Elite Rolling Society
welcome to the tank good to have you here hope to follow a hell of a journal with your northern lights..peace pot prosperity...hey roseman ive got 10 fresh n/L seeds came in last week i was going to bypass them because i thought they would be to tall for my closet space how tall does yours get or how do you keep the hight down??
I VEG 5 weeks, BLOOM 9 weeks, and the tallest was 46 inches, most average 40 inches. The smoke is so deep and rich and will knock your socks off and tie you to the sofa. N/L is 20% Sativa but it is still soooo bushy.


Well-Known Member
thanx roseman so i may not be growing those i dont want any plant at this time to be more than say 30" 0r so at most if there is no way to stunt or train them to be shorter than thats screwed.. thanx and im like you that is one of the best all around strains around very high quality too bad for


Thanks fellas. Hey stinkbudd that sucks you can't maybe vegitate a little quicker or somethin to get that NL. Lemme know when you find a shorter strain. Roseman so is the odor on the NL as low as
I've heard?


Elite Rolling Society
Thanks fellas. Hey stinkbudd that sucks you can't maybe vegitate a little quicker or somethin to get that NL. Lemme know when you find a shorter strain. Roseman so is the odor on the NL as low as
I've heard?

Absolutely NOT, N/L stinks BAD, very very bad, very very loud stink. Skunk cat piss stink.


Well-Known Member
yeah guys i was thinking the same thing but really just waiting to here from someone if its at all possible to do so ive read about training your plant etc. so there is some hope if not ill send them to rosebud and let him go to town, lol but seriously if early flowering is an option will someone let me know..very much appreciated..should'nt hurt to bad i here n/l has a high yeild so vegging a little early could be ok ?...peace pot prosperity