First grow - what you guys think?


Active Member
alright so i have two plants that stay outside. This is my first grow AND first post so i'm sort of winging it. I dont do much to them other than water them.

Plant A is a few inches bigger, much leafier, and starting to bud i think. Plant B doesn't look quite as healthy but i think it will catch up in a couple weeks.

I notice a tiny bit of discoloration as well, should i be worried about it?

What do you guys think and how much longer before either one of these plants might start budding?

Thanks... all help is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
They seem to growing quite a reasonable amount, the first pic looks healthy and bushy while the second plant looks a bit stringy. You should try topping the second plant to bush it up a bit. Maybe add some nutes.

Try bending the stalks a little to increase the size of them, not enough to break them, but to soften them so they heal and grow more rigid to prevent it from being bent again.

I know it may hurt to hear but your plants are still vegging out :P
It's still good news because they will only get bigger.


Well-Known Member
You should try feeding them and then watch them really go crazy lol. You can pickup cheap (under $10) organic fertilizer at most stores with gardening supplies and they'll love it.


Active Member
As the old song goes, This Could Be the Start of Something Big. Your plants look pretty good, you must be doing something right. Good soil, good location, good climate, maybe a bit of good luck. Most of us(here) seem to obsess and fuss over our plants, and don't necessarily have your good results (though, to be sure, many have much better, i.e. really full).

What are your plans for them now? Nutes, as some suggest? Topping? Huh?


Well-Known Member
You are lucky man! You know the more blades on your leaves the better the bud will be. Supposedly the more blades on the leaf means the better care you are taking of it. Mine only have 5 blades, yours have 7, so yah, you are doing good. Just add some nutes and you are set


Active Member
Sweet!! sounds great. I believe the next step step is to find a good blend of nutes and probably will top the smaller plant off here within a few days. the rest of their future is unknown to me at this point.

Does anyone know of a good way to keep the critters like mites away? preferrably non chemical. I remember someone telling me a trick about shredding some of that strong smelling Irish Spring bar soap around the perimeter of gardens..dont know if it works on bugs like that though


Well-Known Member
Sweet!! sounds great. I believe the next step step is to find a good blend of nutes and probably will top the smaller plant off here within a few days. the rest of their future is unknown to me at this point.

Does anyone know of a good way to keep the critters like mites away? preferrably non chemical. I remember someone telling me a trick about shredding some of that strong smelling Irish Spring bar soap around the perimeter of gardens..dont know if it works on bugs like that though
I read somewhere on this site you can use Hydrogen Peroxide As a pest control...You might wanna look that up...


Active Member
When they're born?
The first seems pretty good!!!
The second plant is tall and the internodes maybe are too distant. Perhaps she doesn't receive enough Sun.


Active Member
the past few months have been pretty much a blur haha(too much partying) and i didn't keep track but i'll guess that they're between 12 and 13 weeks.

they do look really similar...hopefully mine will catch up to yours soon! but both plants are from bagseed too.


Well-Known Member
ACtually if you confirmed that is a female and see the hairs you may force flower and get buds! do research on force flowering outdoors... very similar to how you force flower indoors...
of coarse it is better too wait for the plan to fully vegitate to get the most out of it...

my plant is a bit smaller and i will force flower a month from now.
allthough some strains grow differently then others....



Well-Known Member
I use organacide to kill mites and aphids it says it controls mold also but I don't know for sure about that as I havnt got an mold. I picked up a concentrated jug of it that makes about 32 gallons so it goes a pretty long way. As Far as ferts I like to mix in a lot of old dried out horse manure into the soil before planting then add composted chicken manure during vegging and 6-12-0 bone meal for flowering.


Active Member
do you guys no anything about growin in canada ont and what cemiculls to use dnf or advanced nutrentes im groing out door and its my first time