First grow, what you think? *pics*


Well-Known Member
this is what im left with on my first grow after having unlucky odds with some bag seeds with 9 of 12 seeds coming out males...:cry:

im left with these 3 ladies

all plants were sprouted in mid december at the beginning of summer (aus) so have been vegged for about 2.5 months.

first one is my girl, shes in an DWC system and is my pride and joy, she was the only girl out of my 4 hydros and was towering at about 5 ft before i decided to do some LST work. now shes looking great, even thought i almost killed her about 2 weeks ago with a major overnute, which destroyed nearly all fan leaves and were therefore removed.

the other two are some soil grown plants which were in a less than ideal location in terms of light and i generally neglected them...which i now reget.
of these ladies was RAVAGED by some bugs...which ended up being mother nature topping my plants before i even knew what topping was!! now she has 4 beautiful heads and im really looking foward to seeing how she will lollypop as there is no lower growth besides these 4 heads.

the other soil lady is quite stunted and compact also and i think i need to expose some more bud sites by either tucking or snipping some fan leaves. she for some reason is only showing small preflowers, and is laggin behind the other 2 which have been flowering for 2,5 weeks, so i am now putting it in a dark closet earlier before sunset to hopefully kick her into flower mode!

any advice or comments on my grow would be much appreciated :peace:



Well-Known Member
more sun light dude alot more to much shade on em u want em in direct sunlight if u can all day long they look a little strechy but its ur first grow and bagseeds have a higher rate of male and the un need stress will help males come out more aswell but just need alot more sun light dude


Well-Known Member
I think they look f*cking that 5 footer is insane!!! You really did all the growth in sunlight??? Stretched or not they look awesome with tons of budsites....I would say for a first grow that you did wonderful!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot pink,

im pretty happy with how its looking for my first grow, especially the hydro one,
im gonna continue to LST it, making it extend horizontally as much as possible to expose max bud sites and i think it will yield pretty well...?

letmeblaze, hydro has been in good sun the whole growth but was originally in a pocket between other plants in the garden so it has become a bit stretched...but its working for me now so its ok so far
all plants are now in the best possible location and will receive full sun for most of the day

thanks for the comments



Well-Known Member
looking good looks like they might need a stick to help hold them up,or scrog it.
bet you wished you planted more.
start a grow j.
i would like to know how much you harvest.


Well-Known Member
i think ur right crazy, ill get a stake to hold it up in place of the wire pulling it down when it gets heavy with buds :) and give her the support she needs!

yeah i do now, i have a shit load of seeds but was COMPLETELY noob when i started not have discovered riu yet and thought id be cool with 12,

although i forgot to mention i also have 6 clones which were rooted indoors but have been outside for 1.5 weeks. i forgot to take photos of em and they are quite stunted and range from 4-8 inches tall so far.

might start a journal soon


Well-Known Member
im thinking scrog will be too hard with the huge lean and need for portability when the time calls for it...
