First grow...Where did I go wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody...

I harvested my first grow (AK48 & Skunk#1) in July and they been curing since the end of July.

Virtually the buds look good but they still smell like hay, after 1 month in the jar!

When I first asked about this a month ago, people advised me to be patient. But now, a month later theres no improvement

From my readings, the following reasons can contribute to that hay smell:

x harvested too early - not in my case, i let them go 72 days, mostly amber
x low odor strain - Skunk#1 is not a low odor strain
x dried too quick - i let them dry for 6-7 days, most stems started to crack/snap

So I really would like to know what else could have caused this, as I just germinated the seeds for my next grow (Amnesia Lemon and Tangerine Dream). These are suppose to be dank smelling buds and I cant make the same mistake...

Is it possible that some of these factors during my first grow made my buds smell like hay?

x temperature occasionally peaked at 33C/91F during the last few weeks? (Avg was 28C/85F)
x During 4th week I accidentally overnuted about 2-3 times normal dosage. I used Plagron Bloom.
x I used a 250w HPS?

..... Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
id like to know as well because i have had this same problem.

although my blue dream strain always smelled great. but others ended up smellin like hay.

i think it had to do possible with drying it wityh alot of leaf material?

do you cut from plant, trim the buds, and hang them to dry, or do you hang the whole plant, leaf and all to dry, then cut the buds out to cure them in jars?


Well-Known Member
id like to know as well because i have had this same problem.

although my blue dream strain always smelled great. but others ended up smellin like hay.

i think it had to do possible with drying it wityh alot of leaf material?

do you cut from plant, trim the buds, and hang them to dry, or do you hang the whole plant, leaf and all to dry, then cut the buds out to cure them in jars?
I cut the individual branches from the main stem, trimmed most leaves and hang them to dry til stems started to crack/snap


Well-Known Member
Yes i did burp daily, couple times. And no mold.
It smokes good, def hits. Just has no taste. And I'm the kinda person that likes real smelly buds =(


Well-Known Member
i think you over dried them. i prefer to air dry till the outside feels dry but the stem still BENDS it DOES NOT snap or crack AT ALL. try it that way next time hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Agree with JamBoss, u over dried them, and. Once u do that, ur fucked, no going back, always. Better to under. Dry than over. Dry. 7 days seems long, unless u hae. HUGE ass buds, but yea, its gonna always taste like that, u can add orange peels t it! :)


Well-Known Member
a proven way to re-moisturize your buds is to tie a damp (not dripping) paper towel on a piece of string and hang it inside your jar but NOT TOUCHING your buds and seal it like normal. after a full 24hrs check them and i guarantee they'll have moisture back in them. then you can slowly cure the moisture out.


Took awhile but I finnally got an answer for you. Your buds were dried not to long but to fast. Hope this makes sense.


Active Member
I can't give you an answer to your question but I can say this. I grew all ten of my White Widow plants from the same breeder from seeds. The difference in phenos plays a huge part of it. Just because you have a strain that is so called 'high odor' doesn't neccessarily mean it be. The fastest growing pheno of the ten seeds I grew had virtually NO smell even now 7 weeks into flowering NO smell. The other 5 I ended up with (4 were males), one of those smell far stinker than the rest.