First grow: White Russian, Sage 'n' Sour, and 4 freebies


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Hey guys, so this is technically my second attempt at a soiless grow, but my first journal. I had 4 mother white russians that I had luckily managed to take 2 clones from before they were stolen. So to start with the basic info. The plants are under a 600w mh air cooled hood (which I love. I just put on the inline fan in this grow and it allowed me to move the light within 5 inches of the plants with two circulating fans. Soooo much quicker growth than the previous 14 inches without the inline). I'm using basement mix which is mainly coco coir. And I'm using House and Garden Nutrients. I have everything in the pic except the amino acid and nitrogen boost. I also add Cal/Mag as a supplement since these deficiencies are common among coco coir (as told from my grow shop guy). A little info I didn't know about House and Garden: Apparently Coco A is the organic mix and Coco B is the non organic. This contains the extra Cal/Mag that the coir readily absorbs. You're suppose to add one extra ml to balance this out.

The clones were under a t5 for two weeks until roots developed. After switching them to the 600w, my clones developed a severe cal/mag deficiency for about a week which stunted growth. Leaves were yellowing, new growth wasn't growing. It was horrible. I, for some reason, didn't read the directions on the nutrients clearly because I was setting the ph at 6.8 (soil) instead of the reccomended 5.8 (coco coir). The pictures now are 16 days after I saw the growth of the roots. For the one plant I just fim'ed it tonight. The other plant I'm attempting to LST for my first time; I've just topped and super cropped in my previous grow. Do you guys think I should just stick to LST or should I go with super cropping also? And as I move up to bigger pots, do I just make the circle of tied down branches go towards the outside of the pot?

Okay, now as far as the seeds I ordered:

Product: T H Seeds Sage 'n' Sour
Options: Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 05 seeds

Product: Serious Seeds White Russian
Options: Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 06 seeds

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #1 World of Seeds Landraces Afghan Kush
Quantity: 1

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #2 World of Seeds Medical Collection Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto Fem
Quantity: 1

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #3 Paradise Seeds Delahaze
Quantity: 1

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #4 G13 Labs Purple Haze
Quantity: 1

These lovely ladies were planted in solo cups after sprouting on July 5th and they just turned 10 days old today. I'm pretty excited for the auto fem. It's my first time an auto and I'm stoken for the cross of the northern lights and the big bud. Due to the fact it's an auto I'm keeping my light cycle on 24/0 until the seedlings turn 3 weeks old, then switching to a 20/4 schedule. I may have to set up an extra tent and put the auto in there. If it goes into flowering 3 weeks in and starts to rapidly grow, I don't want to have to raise the light and decrease the light intensity the other plants are getting currently with it being so close. So right now it seems that the fastest growth is coming from the Delahaze. If you look at the pictures of the seedlings the Dela is the one in the middle, 3 rows down from the top. I've started feeding them House and Garden also, with the seedling/cutting doseage.

Oh! Also, I was high at the time I was putting the seedlings into the solocups. I had mistakenly labeled the Afghan Kush cup incorrectly. I had put White Russian down mistakenly. I now have to monitor the growth and characteristics and see which one isn't like the other.

Sorry for the crappy quality of the pics. My camera is currently MIA, so until I find it I just gotta make due with the blackberry camera. The plant you see in the back holding the fly paper up is a dying melon plant, lol. Couldn't adjust from the 600w it was getting, then switching it to a t5. Anyways, thanks for the viewing and the future help!



Active Member
Well today's day 12. I've been noticing some yellowing dead spots throughout some of the plants that were in the middle of the light. My lights about 6 inches away from the plants. Air cooled with two moving fans so it's cool. I'd tried my best in my pics to show it, but it's not very clear. It's throughout the leaf (outter rim, inner spots). I'm getting ready to transplant them into bigger pots; especially the auto. Gonna put it right into a five gallon and let it do its thing. The LST'ed plant is doing pretty well. I super cropped the two highest nodes growing up where the initial bend was. And I'm starting to notice four nice growing points where I FIM'ed the other plant.My other concern in some of the pics is the paling of leaves. They're starting to turn more into a lime color. Is this a signal of a possible deficiency or could that just be that particular strain has paler leaves?I put a few pics up of the autoflower, and the delahaze. So far I gotta say the delahaze looks the best. The leaves are getting huge at such a small size.



Well-Known Member
The sage n sour from my understanding is a dank ass fuckin strain. I got a question thou, are you growing at the same place where your plants just got jacke from. If so don't be surprised to wake up the next morning and see more gone...


Active Member
nah, totally different place. I was doing the white russian mom's at one of my apartments. Unfortunately all it took was a kick and the door broke off. The new spot is in a friend's basement. Little less sketchy.


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So I was going to switch the majority of my plants today thinking I had more basement mix. Apparently I didn't. So I put the lst white russian clone into a 3 gallon pot as well as the Auto Northern Lights x Big Bud. I put the Delahaze and Purple Haze in 1 gallons.Anyways, so far so good. Some of the growing seedlings are displaying some yellowing of the leaves. Haven't been adjusting the water when I feed them, thinking this could have something to do with it. I was surprised by the root growth in some of the seedlings. I gotta say, I'm loving roots excelurator. Tomorrow I'm gonna be switching the rest of the plants into bigger pots.



Active Member
So I switched them all to 3 gallons. My tent's 4 x 4 x 7, so it's a bit packed right now. I also have all 16 under the single 600 watt. I think in about a week or so, after I'm done clearing some space, I'm going to set up my other tent and throw half in there just so there's more space as well as wattage per plant. Right now it's only like 37.5.


Active Member
So onto day 16. It looks like they're growing into the pots nicely. Although it's still a little cramped I'm going to have another tent along with another 600w mh up on Monday. Shooting for each tent having 8. I'm trimming all the big fan leaves off the auto in hopes of increasing the light; shotting for more nodes. What are your guys thoughts on lst'in an auto?

Also my lst'ed white russian seems to be growing vertically a lot quicker than the original tied down branch i'm wrapping around the pot is. This normal? I forgot to mention to you guys that I'm using Great White as well.

So far the plants are looking good. I'm considering buying a bigger reservoir in order to mix my nutrients in. The gallon water jugs are starting to become a bit tedious four or five times in a row.



Well-Known Member
I mix my nutes in a 5 gal jug if I'm doing 20 plants or less. I tend to water about 2 gallons per day per 10 plants. And so there's always fresh nutes. And I have a jug for weeks 1-2 then another one for 3-4 and then 5-6 and 7-8 and 9-10 reason being is that differ weeks have different nutes or levels of nutes and this way theres a less chance of cross contaminating. Only 5-5 gap jugs. Althou I also have 3 55 gal resi's for my hydroponics


Active Member
I'm thinking about getting one of those 5 gallon gatorade jugs. The kind that has the handle so you can just pour it into a gallon jug. Just mix my stuff in and get a big ruler to stir. lol.


Active Member
Checked on everything a little bit ago and watered them. So far so good. The FIM older white russian is blowing up with node sites. So far the LST isn't doing too bad either. It's crazy to see the same strain but each seed having different characteristics. I'm already spotting which plants are going to be the mothers. I can't wait until I set the other tent up Tuesday and actually have two sets of 8 plants per 600 w.

What are you guys feelings for using hps in veg over mh? Heard there's more lumens in the hps, that correct? I'll be throwing pics up tomorrow.


Active Member
Day 20: So far so good. I gotta say, I'm liking the results so far. The FIM'd oldler White russian is really blowing up with cloning spots whilte the other LST'd one is slowly progressing. The younger plants are starting to get bigger. I cannot wait until later today when I set up tent #2 and give double the wattage they're accustomed to. I think after they get adjusted to the increase I'm going to throw the remainder of younger plants into 3 gallon pots.



Active Member
So after finally setting up the other tent the worst thing happens. I cannot find the cord that connects the ballast to the outlet :wall: Figured i'd resume my search tomorrow when I'm not high.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, some good updates, they look good. Sorry I havent tuned in too much. I will max out in veg around 8-900 or so. Ive heard you want to actually grow your plants out to get the fullest mature taste, but soon I'll be contridicting myself and flipping around 6-8 inches so it'll be around 550-650 I'm guessing and peaking around 1150-1250


Active Member
Luckily I found the plug! I moved 8 of the ladies into another tent and I'm loving the space! I put the ones that weren't in 3 gallons into them today. I'm starting to think they're growing a lot quicker than my previous attempt. Might need to be bumping them up to fives soon. Pics are on the way!


Active Member
So I did a flush today just because I didn't like the looks on a few plants. The run off water was a rusty color. This normal? Also the run off came up 6.7-6.8. If I'm using coir is this the ph that it should register or should it be the 5.8 I've been ph adjusting everything, including today's water flush. So far so good. They're looking beautiful.


Active Member
So I did a ph adjusted flush with cal/mag included. It appears that the new growth and some leaves are turning bright green. Possible deficiency or lack of nutrients? Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
New sets always come in alittle lighter then slowly get their color as the leaf ages. Don't be so fast to start adding shit n flushing. Just be cautious lol. New growers always try to give their plants way too much attention, when a lot of the time it's unecessary.