FIRST GROW - White Widow - Purple Buddha - Vada -


Active Member
Spent a good amount of cash on this setup, still awaiting the carbon filter and inline to arrive (currently using single fan to exit air) , plants are smelly!
Hoping things will continue smoothly.

White Widow
WW (14).jpgWW (8).jpgWW (2).jpgWW (29).jpgWW (27).jpgWW (32).jpg

Vada (8).jpgVada (6).jpgVada (5).jpgVada (3).jpgVada (17).jpgVada (18).jpgVada (22).jpgVada (23).jpgVada (26).jpgVada (30).jpgVada (33).jpgVada (34).jpg

Purple Buddha
PB.jpgPB (2).jpgPB (3).jpgPB (4).jpgPB (5).jpgPB (6).jpgPB (7).jpgPB (8).jpgView attachment 2216943

Just put these plants into Flowering, today was their first day :)
random 011.jpgweed9 001.jpgweed9 009.jpgweed13 001.jpgjune11 001.jpgflowering 011.jpg

Also took a few of my first clones ever, so far things are looking good after a day or so..

2 white widow
2 purple buddha
Clones.jpgClones (2).jpgPB.jpgWW.jpg

Will continue to update plants weekly.



Active Member
I thought it was okay so far for a first grow.
I heard a lot of people say never go big spending on your first grow you will waste your money, would be a good idea for a retard. Lots of us are not retards! Just good at using common sense!


Active Member
People say to start cheap.
That rule would go for most dummies, people without common sense, unfortunately harsh reality for most.
With a little bit of reading you can get er done.
Every week my experience seems to gain, my second grow has started so smooth compared to my first.. Even though my first may turn out pretty good. Experience is the key.
Very excited to continue in this, and very sad I did not start sooner.


Active Member
KoolBloom seems to be working nicely.
With 4 ish more weeks to go I can't wait to see he how fat these babies get :D


Active Member
Why is it so hard to attention?
I just want attention :(
I just want props :)
I must be the coolest noob on here.....