First grow - who knows what happens

from all i see you are doing well kudos.

the problems you are having seem to be from overfeeding imo.

most plants look extremely deep green and you also have bleached tips.

with extra rich homemade blends i always get that too but i go straight water so they outgrow it.
from all i see you are doing well kudos.

the problems you are having seem to be from overfeeding imo.

most plants look extremely deep green and you also have bleached tips.

with extra rich homemade blends i always get that too but i go straight water so they outgrow it.

This first grow has definitely been a learning experience. Next one I plan to do just 3 plants; one in the 2x2 and two in the 2x4. Also will not be adding any amendments to the soil and may change up the soil I use as well.
Well, everyday I open the tent and these look worse. They’ve been getting water only for the past week (1/2 gallon per plant every 2-3 days) when pots are light. At this rate they’ll be nothing but dried up dead leaves before the finish. So frustrating.

Might go nuclear on one plant and feed it FF big bloom nutes to see what happens?!?!? Or do I continue with water only and hope for the best?

This plant had only a few yellowed leaves 3-4 days ago.

Week 10 and I’m out of town for the week. Luckily my parents offered to house sit and my pops was cool to water the plants! I assume these are getting close and will check trichomes when I get home.

I‘m done trying to figure out what was wrong with these so I’m just pushing them through.

Returned today from a week away. I hoped these would’ve been farther along but patience is a virtue I envy! Guessing at least another (or possibly two) weeks.

Chopped them all and hung them in the tents to dry today. Some were more ready than others but I didn’t want to do a partial harvest as I’m excited to start my next run! Learned a lot so far and hope I don’t repeat mistakes for my 2nd grow.

These are drying in tents with temps 67-69* and RH of 55-60%.
