First grow with CFL's, when do I veg this baby?


Active Member
So in my past grows I've used crappy lighting, and as a result, got a terrible plant. This baby has been under the lights for about 3 weeks, and my question to you pro growers is when is it okay to start using nutes? She's on her third node, going on the forth. Oh, and today I switched pots as the roots were bound.
Again, I'm new, so please don't judge the retard :) Thanks!

weed 3.jpgweed 2.jpgWeed 1.jpg


Ive only just started growing with nutes but I'm 99% sure you're fine to start from now, just dont start with maximum dosage, start at 1/2 or 1/4 mixes to ween your plant on to them, that way you can test if she has a reaction or not better, and you have less chance of nute bur., My plant is only a week old, and she's on 0.5ml per 1ltr. You can put her into flowering anywhere from 3-6 weeks, depends on how big you want the final yield to be. What lights are you using now dude?


just look at your pictures I think you should deffinatly get her onto nutes. And I would move those lights a little closer, as she doesn't look very big for 3 weeks i dont think. Looks like your using tin foil for the sides, just so you know, mirrors and tin foil arent particulary reflective, you're better off using a gloss white or satin paint, or getting some Myler and putting that around, paints like 70% reflective, myler is 94% reflective, mirrors and tin foil are only around 50% reflective. Just a bit of a heads up dude! :D


Active Member
I'm currently waiting on light splitters, so I should have 4 28W Daylight 6500K CFL bulbs, and 2 28W Soft white 2700K soon, not just three total. But I agree with weening it on, I'll start that next watering. And fyi, I do have mylar in there :) I cut it all to size and ducttaped it into my box.


sweet, i do apologise dude! My leaves have a yellow tint on the edges too =[. I think my problem is I'm forgetting its a plant, not a baby lol. Theyre pretty tough and I think she'll be okay, I just think you should get your lady on to nutes! Get her pumped up man, cant wait to see her, I plan to start flowering mine within 4 weeks. Good luck dude! SUBd!


Active Member
Are you growing in soil?? I grow aero-hydro w/CFLs, I'm in the middle of my 2nd grow. If you grow soil, can't really tell ya what to use regarding fertlizer and nutrients. I use General Hydroponics Flora Grow, Flora Bloom and Flora Micro-nutrients. However my clones are in potting soil and I mix the recommended amount of GH Flora to get a gallon of mixed nutes to add, but on a weaker scale.

No doubt they can be fed, just make sure you mix on the low-end. Check my grow journals at bottom of this box to get answers on CFL growing or view other CFL grow journals


Active Member
Yeah I'm growing in soil. I'm gonna put it to 19-5 for a couple days then move it to 18-6 and slowly add nutes. I'm using jack's classic water soluble 20-20-20, can I mix a small amount into my mist bottle to cover the foliage? Or will it burn the leaves?


Well-Known Member
dont use full strength only like 1/3 of what the bottle uses, get a nice Fan in there to run when the lights are on, lower your lights 2 inches for 1 week. you'll see huge amounts of growth


Active Member
dont use full strength only like 1/3 of what the bottle uses, get a nice Fan in there to run when the lights are on, lower your lights 2 inches for 1 week. you'll see huge amounts of growth
Air movement is important, the cooler the air as well. I reviewed my last message to you, and what I was trying to say, because I use GH Flora for my Aero-Hydroponic grow system, I had mixed a small "weaker mix of those fertizer & nutrients in a gallon of distilled water to give my clones, which are in potting soil. Always mix your food and nutes weaker than recommended is all


Active Member
Do you make your nutes half strength so you avoid nute burns faderharley?
Hey Slappy92,

Actually I mix my fertilizer, micro nutrients and calmag+ on a weekly basis. I grow aero-hydro, via micro spraying the suspended roots which are housed within the grow box. This cycle occurs 1 minute every 10 minutes, 24 hours/day. I dump all my nutes weekly, then add fresh distilled water, approx..7-8 gallons, then I rinse the roots on that same run schedule for 24 hours, then add a new batch. I mix about 80% strength of what's recommended not to exceed over 1100-1300 PPMs or parts per million. My 4 gals will go thru 2-3 gallons of the mixed solution per day, so for a few days I top off only w/fresh distilled water. Distilled water has a PPM of 4, so it's great to use in any aero-hydro, hydro, DWC or Ebb/Flow system. When I check my PPMs usually 1/2 way thru the week, my PPMs drop to 350-400, that's is when I'll boost my nutes to about 1/3 strength to finish out the week, then repeat the samething every 7 -10 w/o fail.

What I use is General Hydroponic Flora Grow, Flora Bloom, Flora Micro Nutrients and Calmag+ with distilled water. This grow I mixed distilled w/my filter tapped, about 250 ppms after being filtered. That level is ok for vegetation stage thru a few weeks into flowering w/a 50/50 ratio or 1/2 tap and 1/2 distilled. But the last 4-5 weeks I use strickly distilled. My 1st grow, I used nothing but distilled and my 1st grow was been trouble free for the most part....

Also growing aero-hydro or hydro the PH of the solution/water needs to be at 5.4-5.6 any lower/higher will cause nute lock-out, which on the folage may appear like nute burn. I know in potting soil the PH must be 7.0-7.4 if memory serves. Only reason I placed my clones in potting soil was it is less work, cheaper to operate. I may attempt to transplant back in aero-hydro for flowering tho, cuz I kept reading about how MJ excells in growth, yield, taste and potency by growing aero-hydro and hydro. Not saying potting soil, organic grows don't produce Grade A bud, it truly does, it's just I like to grow this way. I now regret putting my clones in potting soil, the grow seems to be in slo-mo in comparison to aero-hydro imo....perhaps I need to feed my clones more often then 1 full feeding every 3-4 days w/alternate watering the gals when they appear alittle dry.

I hope I have answered your question, kinda went the long way around the barn to get your answers, but when high, I try to do my best...take care

Photos, grow-box and rez.-box displayed, suspended roots, top of grow-box w/CFLs

