First grow with cfls


Active Member
So I'm having my first grow with cfls and I have 2 42w a 13w and a24w. All this light on one plant, is it enough can I add more? Also can I get blooming nutes from regular garden store or do I hAve to get it on line?


That should be fine. For my first grow I used 3 23W CFLs and my crop turned out great. You might want to add more bulbs as the plant gets bigger though, they need as much light as possible.

As far as nutes go, you can pretty much find them at any home gardening or depot store. I'm certain that Wal-Mart carries them, too.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
So I'm having my first grow with cfls and I have 2 42w a 13w and a24w. All this light on one plant, is it enough can I add more? Also can I get blooming nutes from regular garden store or do I hAve to get it on line?
Dude, get as many bulbs on that as you can, you can never have too much light! The more light the better the bud, keep them 2inch away at all times and you will get a nice dence bud:joint:. SURROUND THAT BITCH IN BULBS !bongsmilie
Go with roughly 25w and 41w bulbs,

As for bloom nutes, search google for a hydro shop in you area and go there.

So, is the plant growing now?

Good luck!



Active Member
Scratch that I forgot I swapped my 13 with another 40 so basically I have equal to about 425 watts on it. I'll get sum pics right now


Thats a nice plant! As far as I'm concerned you're good to go for flowering, but it would never hurt to add some more 2500k bulbs ^_^