First grow with INTENT..please help


To begin, I have lurked here since September 2010...reading and learning and researching. I got a gift of seeds in a pill bottle that was marked, but no way for me to know the strains. I purchased through Nirvana several strains, and have now started a run of their Jock Horror along with some of the unidentified batch.

I had a previous bad experience in my first attempt. I got my batch moving along, but stupidly went out after lights out and did some work on my Mom room and light polluted my flowering ladies. I wasn't around much as I was working out of town, and things got out of hand. The plants seemed to revert to veg, growing another 4-6 inches in just a few days. I paniked of course, started checking to see if they had hermied. Sure enough, they had balls and those had exploded. Another panic attack and I started jerking plants and bagging them.

I then did a hospital level sterilizing of my total grow area. I also incorporated some suggestions given me on this site by some most helpful people. I see pretty much all comments that aren't out and out flames, as helpful. I am an absolute beginner and I know this, so all input is educational.

So, here it is. My space overall is 6x14, with a stealth space next to it that is a bathroom. Total is 6x22

Flower Room 6x10- I have a 3x6 flower tray with 2000 watts (2-1000 watt Sun System air cooled) In my first attempt the weather was much cooler and I saw my temps hitting 90 plus with just one light. I have since added an 8inch votex exhaust on a Phresh filter, a 6inch vortex on my light line, drawing intake from the bathroom and exhausting through the attic. All ballasts and exhaust fan are located in the attic and exhausting to a turbine vent installed in the roof. I added an AC due to the high temps and it exhausts into the same 8 inch line. Thinking I may have to put some type of scrubber on the intake side here.

Sorry the pics are bad and out of order, hoping with experience I can make more sense. Started everyhing from seed using paper towel and humidome. 8 of 10 jock horrors made it and are labeled in the pics. Had an even better rate with the unknowns.

I like the rapid rooter type plugs. I know they are organic in an inorganic system, but after they start the plants they are kind of just place holders, right? I also like the idea from someone elses grow to use them upside down and make your own hole. I lost a few seedlings due to the hole size from the factory. Though I tore off a piece to cover the sprout, when it popped above ground it just pushed the bit off and had no support. I also had some stretch problems, and at day 20 from germination they are still a bit spindly on the stems..HELP? They are on a 450 HID, should I have left them on flouros longer?



The pics of the seedlings are in the veg and Mom room. This is a 3x3 Ebb and flow. I am using Canna Nutes Aqua Vega to formula, h2o2, I have 2 res tanks below that fill simultaneously to the tray. Though one drains back faster than the other and every 4th fill I need to balance them back out, pumping from one to the other. My ph is at 5.5-5.8, water temp around 70 the ppms are at 530...this is consistent in both tanks. I completely change tanks every two weeks. My lighting is on 20 off 4. My pumps fill the tray every 6 hrs. Takes about 4 minutes to fill to overflow and I let them run for 6 minutes then the drain takes another 3 or so.


Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Hey man, was clicking around and saw no one responded here... There are alot of variables, so it's not so easy to answer. I have one recommendation you might want to try.. There's a fellow named Homebrewer with a few darn good threads out there you can read up on and compare his setup to yours (he does ebb/flow rockwool cubes in flood trays). He has lots of pics of his success... Here is most recent thread, but all of his are still active...
I recommend you read through them though, rather than just coming in and posting a bunch of questions. It will make you look a little more respectable that you've taken the time to extract the tons of knowledge and questions already answered... It looks like you've put some time and effort into this, you're probably closer than you think... ;)
I wish you luck bro...