First Grow with Nirvana Auto fem Blue Mystic- pc grow 125 watt cfl


Auto flowering plants unfortunately don't yield much especially just having one plant. I'd say you'll get about 20-25 grams from the last picture of the plant you took. Next time if you have more space grow like 5-6 small guys.


Just kidding about halting the nutes. I have come to realize how stupid it is to think that nutes could effect the taste and any other qualities. The amount of fertilizer the plants receive is only a half ml per 500ml of water. There is no real evidence that shows that flushing is of any use. The 2 or 3 days of darkness before harvest however I will still need to research. Day 46 and she is looking good. Honestly I ave never seen so many trichomes as I have just looking at plant as it is now. I'm sure it will get much nicer in these last few weeks. Some of the pistils are starting to turn red but as expected no trichomes are showing any amber. Yes I know it isn't near ready yet. Just an observation.


Haha thanks! The biggest worry I have left is drying and curing since I have never done this before. I plan on drying in the case it was grown in. Is that doable seeing as it is winter and the plant lives in the garage, aka gets an average temp of 15 celcius. Thermometer I found in Canada so no temps were checked in Fahrenheit.


i also realize that putting the plants in darkness for a few days is also a myth. Just gotta read up to know more on how to dry and cure them properly.


Well-Known Member
Harvest and Cure is all about personal preference and your situation. Like if your running out of smoke, slightly higher temps and lower RH will dry them out faster (70+ F and 35%% - RH) (5-10 days), while lower temps, 60-70F, with slightly higher RH, 40-50%, causes a slower (IMO more well rounded and Better) drying period (10-14 days). I also sweat mine using cardboard and glass jars... everyone finds what works best for them and sticks to that tweaking it as needed. How long it takes can also depend on how much you harvest, how large or small your drying area is, and how often the air is replenished in this area. For example if you have fans on constantly resupplying the air with 72F 35% RH it will dry out the Outside of the nuggs fairly quickly while the inside of the nuggs is still moist and slowly evens out through the bud.... where as if the fans were only on for say 15 20 minutes an hour and the air supply was only resupplied twice an hour, then the buds would dry out a bit slower but more evenly (which is best IMO). But please do your own research and experiment to find your best success. Another thing I learned is that How I dry the herb depends on what the buds themselves are like. Denser buds require more fresh air circulation and to be dried a little bit faster (I would use fluctuations in the my methods described above), while sparser more airy buds dry out faster anyways. there is A LOT more too this... WAY more than I care to get into... and I would say the Harvest and Cure process is Equally as fundamental to the outcome of the crop as any other part of the cycle (meaning one bad fuck up could fuck it all up and total loss).


What!!!! You are amazing!!! I'm pretty high now but still you like told me EXACTLY what I wanted to know. Lol I have searched here and there about both curing and drying but never got a good simple schedule. I will try seeing what works best but first I need to buy is an accurate humidity . Made my day or should I say morning ( ²:²0) I tried to fix the number but my phone would only let me use superscripts lol I'm rambling arnt I. Ok bye haha


the leaves are starting to yellow and due to the really cold weather i found a few purple tinges on the outsides of a few parts of the buds.


Well-Known Member
What!!!! You are amazing!!! I'm pretty high now but still you like told me EXACTLY what I wanted to know. Lol I have searched here and there about both curing and drying but never got a good simple schedule. I will try seeing what works best but first I need to buy is an accurate humidity . Made my day or should I say morning ( ²:²0) I tried to fix the number but my phone would only let me use superscripts lol I'm rambling arnt I. Ok bye haha
When I was able to read the RH in a room I would stop and take a second to feel the moisture in the air by using my body. Our bodies are literally senses to that as well as temperature. Ironically enough, comfortable conditions for plants is similar to that of humans. for example, between 30-45% Rh we really wont feel any or much moisture in the air, especially with well circulating air. Raise the RH to 45-60% and we will definitely notice the air is a bit thicker, we are more sensitive to temperature, and the air does feel a bit moist.... When we are dehydrated our bodies will literally absorb moisture from the air (plants too ;) ), and when our body is saturated with water/food/oils, and we are using energy.... we transpire and sweat out moisture (Plants Too ;) )....


It is at day 52 from since it popped out of the soil. Some of the buds are dense and some of them are quite airy.