first grow (with pics) .. when should i flower?


Active Member
This is my first growing attempt. The plants have been veggin for 60+ days. Two of them (same strand) are 15'' tall and the other plant from a diff. strand is 12'' tall. I use moisture control soil and the plants stay outside during the sunny day and then are moved under my light for a few hours at night.. When should I start to flower? Thanks for any help !!



Well-Known Member
with my strain this is what happens.

12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest.

she was 42.8 grams dry weight.

this one vegged to 18" then flowered

106.7 grams dry


Active Member
a direct answer is you can start flowering anytime you like. I know people that start their plants at 12/12 the second they are out of seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
People like randy. But other people flower their plants depending on size of grow area. Keep in mind flowering at a small hieghtwill give you small yeilds.
Your plants look GREAT Gingerbear!
What I've read is that if you want the plant to produce to its full potential and provide you with the most potent buds you should wait til the plant reaches sexual maturity. Sexual maturity is reached when the plant begins alternating nodes and producing preflowers. This usually occurs around the 6th week of vegging give or take.:joint:


Well-Known Member
i say flower whenever you want.i have to flower mine very early for stealth reasons,but if i could i'd flower 'em naturally outside.