First Grow... with three 23 watt CFL's


Active Member
Started with one 23 watt 6500k CFL, but since have add two 23 watt 5500l CFL's for a grand total of three! Lighting is at 20/4... I figure the more light the better! Also have the lights clamped to the arm of a tripod so as to allow easy adjustment of height as the plant grows...

Been about 9 days since it emerged from the surface. Seems like its growing good... just started growing a new set of leaves. Hasn't been growing vertically much... but i don't know if thats a problem at this point.

I hope its a girl! if not..... there will be blood... er plant blood



Active Member
I'm pretty sure its day 11... some additional leaves coming up and I think the plant is looking healthy. The bottom fan is turned down a little. I'm wondering if maybe I'm overwatering? I usually wait till the soil is real dry and have a 50/50 perilite + miracle grow potting soil base. I'm not too worried about the plant though... looks in good shape.



Active Member
What are you gonna flower with? Looks good fingers crossed for a female
Yeah it better be a woman!!

I think I'm gonna pick up one or two of these 43 watt 2700k CFLs I saw at OSH... for some reason they didn't have the 43 watt 6500k. But they look pretty solid, so I think that should be good... still got a ways to go though.


Active Member
yea lookin good whered u get tha lamp from i like it
Basically its just 3 23 watt CFL's on seperate cords, clamped to the handle of a tripod... this way I have vertical and some horizontal action that is adjustable. Will try to post some pics of the lamp setup later today


Active Member
Here are a few closeup shots... this was yesterday and you can see the stalk is angled a little... since then I have propped the plant up with a little splint so it grows straighter...



Active Member
i am about to start a new grow as well using cfl's...hope all goes well with yours! ill be using really similar techniques to yours...possibly a little bigger area


Active Member
i am about to start a new grow as well using cfl's...hope all goes well with yours! ill be using really similar techniques to yours...possibly a little bigger area
Cool! I just ordered another 43 watt CFL off Amazon... hopefully will boost the process of vegging. Looking forward to seeing your grow as well... good luck!


Active Member
Been about 2 weeks now... here's a few shots of the new veg developments. Got my seven leaves on the new set. seems to be growing real nicely :weed:

Oh and I also just ordered 5 feminized Jock Horror seed from Nirvana, so gonna get them started in a bit when they arrive... super excited about that!



Active Member
BIIIG NEWS.... I just bought a 400 watt metal halide lamp with remote ballast... I guess I was just getting anxious and decided to go big. Unfortunately... this kicks me out of the CFL club! :( was good while it lasted and I'll probably end up using the CFL's for sprouting and cloning. Will upload pics of the new setup a little later.


Active Member
quick question about this thread... since I'm no longer growing with CFL should I start a new grow thread in the regular lighting section of the forum?