First grow WoS Auto Northern Lights x Big Bud


Today I received my seeds from Attitude in the UK. Surprisingly fast considering i ordered on saturday... Anyway it came with a whack of freebies. I got 3 of the auto northern lights x big bud and I'm germing one right now. My setup is and approximately 1x2 box, it is small I know. I am only using it until it needs to be moved. I have 3x 23 W 6500k cfls and 1x 13 W 2700k CFL until it starts to bloom, then I'm swapping for all 2700k. Here is a picture of the grow box.

I also have a small desk fan to circulate the air. I will be updating regularly because I have no life and this will be the only thing I think about..

All advice is appreciated.

Update: Just planted the seed. I dipped the tip in some root stimulator, not knowing if it would help or not (will it?) I also turned the lights on and closed the box so it will heat up a little in there, since I read that seeds like it warm and moist. I only put a little water on the dirt I put over the seed, should I saturate the entire pot? Sorry for questions but I'm a complete noob using only knowledge I have learned off the internet.


Well-Known Member
I've had better luck by germinating seeds first in between 4 or 5 wet paper towels.
Putting seeds straight into dirt opens you up to a number of new problems. First is
the chance that the tiny root tip will find itself wedged up against a chunk of organic material
in the soil. Means the root can't get started and the seedling-to-be dies. This happened to
me a number of times until I figured it out and now I sieve all the soil that goes near a
new seedling. Also, it is much easier to over-wter a seed in dirt than a rooted seedling.

Good luck, BigSteve.


So you scared me with that post so I decided to move the dirt over top of the seed to pull it out and germ it with the paper towel method, but as I was digging I saw the seed with the little white root poking out of it and going down so I just covered it back up and lightly watered. Like maybe a few drops of water just over top of the seed spot. Hopefully this means she's gunna sprout today or tomorrow :)

On another note, if my money doesn't go through today, I'll be ordering this next pay day for my other full closet location for when my babies out grow this tiny box. Hope the money goes through so I can order tonight!

Happy Toking bongsmilie


Can anyone tell me if the nutes I have are useable? I have a basic liquid plant fertilizer. Miracle gro 8-7-6 for veg and miracle gro ultra bloom 15-30-15 for flowering. If pics are needed I can attempt to upload off my phone.

Edit: bloom nutes are water soluble crystals


The baby just barely sprouted yesterday morning, and today it knocked its shell off. Heres a pic IMAG0165.jpg

Could anyone answer my question in the above post? I plan on making this journal like so if anyone is willing to hop on board and help me through this grow it would be greatly appreciated.


5 days from seed after I transfered pots

Today (7 days from seed) no apparent transfer shock she's still growing :)


at 10 days i decided to to put it outside so it can get sun not shitty cfls :p its grown quite a bit in the last week. no smell yet gets about 5-6 hours of direct light a day.

Day 16from seed

EDIT. pics messed uo will try again soon



Hey man,

Im growing one of these babies myself. Its not auto but it was a free feminised seed I got from Herbies. Its my first grow ever but this little sucker grew better than the seeds I actually paid for and was really resistant to the issues I had with other seeds.

Im about 2 weeks away from harvesting, all my trichomes are cloudy and the buds are starting to develop some nice purple bits.

Anyway here are some pics to get you excited about whats to come:


Hope this makes your mouth water!




Day 20
Fed her today with 1 cup at 1/2 dose of mg all purpose for a N boost before she starts to flower. anyone have an idea of what week this.strain starts to flower itself?

Fed her today with al


Day 20
Fed her today with 1 cup at 1/2 dose of mg all purpose for a N boost before she starts to flower. anyone have an idea of what week this.strain starts to flower itself?
View attachment 2277664View attachment 2277665

Fed her today with al
Hey man,

I know mine wasnt auto but it took no more than 6 weeks until flower for me. When I flipped the lights they flowered very quickly, then slowed due to issues with my environment. I'll be harvesting my babies nxt wknd, in total it would of been 10 weeks flowering for me, but I could of probably reduced that to 7-8 weeks had it not been my first grow ever haha. About 4 months in total im aiming for 3 months on my next grow. I let them veg for way to long!!!

