Honestly I've never been much of a forum goer let alone a grower of the herb, but over the last few weeks, the combination of the two has been enlightening to say the least.
I planted a couple clones about three weeks back now and they haven't been doing too badly. They were/are mainly just a test to see if I could pull off growing my own from seed (which I realised would be better to do anyway). I understand this is a difficult way of going into it but why not throw yourself in the deep end? heh.
Anyway I planted two seeds, both White Widow and I'm gonna see how it goes but could surely use the expertise of you people here to lend a hand as I proceed . So far you've been helpful even though I am yet to post so I am looking forward to what will come of this journal!
Without further a due, here's my setup,
Just a few lights and the standard outlining of reflective sheeting, all of it was free curtsey of a friend so I can't complain. Considering I have little to no money at the moment I'm rather pleased with the set up thus far. Next step is ventilation, though I am having trouble coming up with how I am going to do it. Needs to be stealthy, and I can't cut any holes....hmmm ha. Maybe you wizards out there can help?
Anyway not much to see, but I would love some input and feel free to ask any questions. You seem like a helpful bunch and as I mentioned already I look forward to having those who know more look over.
EDIT:// Just a quick note, little ones are 4 days old now if anyone is curious though I'm guessing its pretty obvious
Honestly I've never been much of a forum goer let alone a grower of the herb, but over the last few weeks, the combination of the two has been enlightening to say the least.
I planted a couple clones about three weeks back now and they haven't been doing too badly. They were/are mainly just a test to see if I could pull off growing my own from seed (which I realised would be better to do anyway). I understand this is a difficult way of going into it but why not throw yourself in the deep end? heh.
Anyway I planted two seeds, both White Widow and I'm gonna see how it goes but could surely use the expertise of you people here to lend a hand as I proceed . So far you've been helpful even though I am yet to post so I am looking forward to what will come of this journal!
Without further a due, here's my setup,
Just a few lights and the standard outlining of reflective sheeting, all of it was free curtsey of a friend so I can't complain. Considering I have little to no money at the moment I'm rather pleased with the set up thus far. Next step is ventilation, though I am having trouble coming up with how I am going to do it. Needs to be stealthy, and I can't cut any holes....hmmm ha. Maybe you wizards out there can help?
Anyway not much to see, but I would love some input and feel free to ask any questions. You seem like a helpful bunch and as I mentioned already I look forward to having those who know more look over.
EDIT:// Just a quick note, little ones are 4 days old now if anyone is curious though I'm guessing its pretty obvious