First Grow, WW



Honestly I've never been much of a forum goer let alone a grower of the herb, but over the last few weeks, the combination of the two has been enlightening to say the least.

I planted a couple clones about three weeks back now and they haven't been doing too badly. They were/are mainly just a test to see if I could pull off growing my own from seed (which I realised would be better to do anyway). I understand this is a difficult way of going into it but why not throw yourself in the deep end? heh.

Anyway I planted two seeds, both White Widow and I'm gonna see how it goes but could surely use the expertise of you people here to lend a hand as I proceed :). So far you've been helpful even though I am yet to post so I am looking forward to what will come of this journal!

Without further a due, here's my setup,


Just a few lights and the standard outlining of reflective sheeting, all of it was free curtsey of a friend so I can't complain. Considering I have little to no money at the moment I'm rather pleased with the set up thus far. Next step is ventilation, though I am having trouble coming up with how I am going to do it. Needs to be stealthy, and I can't cut any holes....hmmm ha. Maybe you wizards out there can help?

Anyway not much to see, but I would love some input and feel free to ask any questions. You seem like a helpful bunch and as I mentioned already I look forward to having those who know more look over.


EDIT:// Just a quick note, little ones are 4 days old now if anyone is curious though I'm guessing its pretty obvious ;)


Just an update on the progress of the White Widow,

Only one day after the last photo's, but I was quite amazed at the progress in just a day considering my cuttings have been pretty slow to get going.



Photo's from yesterday and today now,



Changed my lighting rig up a bit as advised by a friend, more suited to vegging now as I'm sure you would agree. Working on the ventilation on thursday, will post pics when that is up and running.


Seven days in now, looking better though one is beginning to fall to one side, is this normal? I moved the lights closer in hopes of not making the stems stretch out much so hopefully this will solve the slightly 'floppy' stem.



This was one of the cuttings I have a few days ago, think I took the photo on the day of this journal opening. Afghan Kush, I had two cuttings but killed one off for spacial reasons.


Re-potted this one recently and it now looks like this a couple days after the last shot,

If you zoom in on the top side of the photo, it seems to have some kinda burning from the lights or something. Feeding it no nutes but I'm getting some tomorrow.

Not sure if I'm going to keep the cutting, see how it does in the next few weeks and how quickly it grows. If the white widow catches up, which is may well do as this one has been quite slow, then I'll keep her.

Would appreciate some comments or constructive criticism :bigjoint:


Active Member
looks great too me...idk what to do about your ventilation issue but that is definitely very important...and remember they will double/triple in height after you switch the cycle over to flowering if you are already experiencing spacial issues.


Thanks for the reply, and glad they are looking alright.

Ventilation is being sorted tomorrow with a good friend and frequent user and grower of this forum, we should be able to sort something out. Thinking of putting a shelf in there or something of the like to act as a distraction, disguising an extracted box and putting some items on the shelf as well haha.

Not sure though, going to see what is possible with his expertise tomorrow :grin:

Really shouldn't be doing any drilling/hole making but there doesn't seem to be any other way.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, and glad they are looking alright.

Ventilation is being sorted tomorrow with a good friend and frequent user and grower of this forum, we should be able to sort something out. Thinking of putting a shelf in there or something of the like to act as a distraction, disguising an extracted box and putting some items on the shelf as well haha.

Not sure though, going to see what is possible with his expertise tomorrow :grin:

Really shouldn't be doing any drilling/hole making but there doesn't seem to be any other way.
I totally hear you there...I had to bust out some shelves to make more vertical space for my vegging closet, and thats great that you have an experienced grower to help...i wish i had a mentor to save me tons of money and irreversible time in the wrong direction, but i suppose living and learning never hurt anyone


Yesterday we did some major revamping of the grow room as planned. Spending just under £20, its now kitted out to suit the plants and my needs almost completely. Theres still one or two things needed to be done, (intake, and odor control) but it is pretty much there :)

Behind the curtain....

We have light

D.I.Y'ed to shit suspender and reflector

Spaghetti junction, it's quite quiet today

Outtake fan leading outside

Multi-Adapter, handy as anything this. I can turn it down for stealthiness when needed, and keep it up around 9-12v's when there is no issue

There we have it. Got various other bits and bobs, picked up a heated propagator for just £3.50, ideal size as well, should be handy for the next grow. Nutes and such all sorted now its just time to sit back and enjoy the ride! I will update on the grow room when needed should changes be made

Posting some pics of the three greener's later on today

Toke up! :joint:


Day nine and little change, just under 24 hours with the new setup and they are looking quite perky! minimal change but with the re-potting among other things, I'm hoping to see some pretty good development over the next week or so.

As promised,

Day 9.jpgDay 9 (3).jpgDay 9 (4).jpgDay 9 (2).jpg

And the Afghan skunk of course,

4.jpg4 (3).jpg4 (2).jpg

Weird thing going on with the leaves, can see it in the third picture. If anyone could tell me what they think it is then that'd be good. I think it might of just been the fact she was too close to the reflective sheets, though I am not entirely sure.

Cheers anywho, questions and comments welcome!


Hi Guys,

Everything is going smoothly thus far. Started adding nutes to the Afghan, two days on and two days off alternatively, today being the fourth day (watering day) and it has really taken shape.

Seen some good development and growth in the cutting and the two babies so I'll have to post some pic's up inabit.

Quick question, when should I start upping the strength from 1/4 to a 1/2? Is there a specific day or does it depend on the plant?


Day 12 for the White Widow, and we are on around day 25-30 for the Afghan Skunk.

The nutes have really kicked the Afghan up the ass and as posted yesterday she is seeing a lot of growth. Unfortunately more of these yellow patches of either nute or light burn are appearing but I can't really tell which it is, if either.

Some elaboration on this would be great, few comments thus far!

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As for the WW they are coming on smoothly. One is doing better than the other as per usual I hear, and they are starting to take more of a shape now. Good progress for Day 12 with my setup? I can't really tell, but a more experienced eye may be able to.

Day 12.jpgDay 12 (3).jpgDay 12 (2).jpgDay 12 (4).jpg


Day 13 (4).jpgDay 13.jpgDay 13 (3).jpgDay 13 (5).jpgDay 13 (2).jpgDay 13 (6).jpg

Updated photo's today of the White Widow. Plants not looking as good as yesterday, one of them in particular though both are quite droopy today. I'm thinking it is over-watering or light burn. I've lowered the platforms so as to take them further away from light, and I only gave them one dose of water in the afternoon, hopefully this helps.

The soil is still moist as you can see, but to put my mind at rest I would really appreciate some replies.

Anyway the Skunk on the other hand is doing even better. Just one dose of water today but I'm
about to fix that then some more nutes tomorrow. Comments?

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Day 21
White Widdow

Day21.jpgDay 21 (2).jpgDay 21.jpgday 21 (3).jpgDay 21 (4).jpg

Day thirty something..
Afghan Skunk

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All three re-potted, not doing too bad I say.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
hi, i grew WW for my first grow and had some stretch issues, did have to support em a bit at first but soon as the stems hardened ( from having an oscillting fan on em) they were fine ( although stretched) you got em sitting on something so they same height as your clones? But yeah, getting light closer to em is a good plan. All strains seem to be different with their thirst for nutes just build up gradually i say but if you got good compost they wont need any added nutes for 2-3 weeks ( well mine didnt ) then i added half strength- which was fine then full strength a week after- which they didnt complain about- but i guess its a 'suck it and see' if they look like they enjoy em and want more - give them it.

My ww grow took me on a rollercoaster ride but came out with a good yeild in end despite my amateurish start lol :D


Agent x


So it has been awhile since I posted. My camera broke and I figured no one would really be that interested without pictures. Managed to use my partners phone to sort something out but the quality is pretty crap as you can see.

Just the one left now, Afghan Skunk. The cutting has proven to be quite an amazing plant and in fact, has completely out grown mine and others expectations. She is about three to four weeks into flower, has a 70 watt HPS on her and a couple CFL's for good measure. The two White Widdows turned male, and there is now an intake fan. Thats everything up to date.

This was her a few days before flowering began,


And now a few weeks on,

I'll work on getting the other camera back up and running, but give me the low down on what you think. Obviously a bit late with scrogging, but hell, looks good to me so far :bigjoint:

Thanks all!