First Grow Yield 10.5 oz

Marie Jain

Active Member
I had a thread written out not once but three times yesterday in the grow journals, and ffs it got wiped all three times so I give it up, I'm just going to continue in this thread. Ahead are some pics of my current babies. First show is an Erkle plant and I'd like to know from anyone else growing Erk what the Hell is Up with this dense bud structure? Unlike anything I've seen before, even the caterpillars are having a hard time getting in, the nugs are sooooo tight (which is helpful as I'm out there every fucking day with my tweezers picking the bastards off my babies. I refuse to lose this war!).

So that's one on the vine. I'm doing a harvest experiment with this plant. I pulled one nug at clear and dried it, pulled one at cloudy and it's drying now, and I'll pull another one when I see some amber - just to taste/feel the difference that I've been reading so much about.

Hehehe, I've been a smoker for so long now and thought I knew so much. Lmao, then I started to I realize how much I don't know :)

Ok so this is one off the vine, picked at cloudy. The trich count on this is stunning. Next time I get paid I'm getting one of those computer microscopes so I can post pics of that part of the plant. You will drool, I certainly am.

I'm going to show a picture of what these bastard caterpillars can do to a beautiful nug. It's enough to make a grown man cry, let alone me. :(

Marie Jain

Active Member
This is the second plant I've got coming up right now. It should be ready sometime next month. The strain is Grandaddy Purple (supposedly, I'm learning not to trust in clone tags) so we'll see.

For some reason this one has no bug problems to speak of. Well, I did have a friendly little spider helping me out with some mites but she's packed up and gone off now that she cleaned them up.


Well-Known Member
Excellent pictures - outstanding! Ever think about a career in photography? Your harvest is some of the best I've seen on here - enjoy!

Marie Jain

Active Member
Thanks Dfunk, and thanks for posting in this thread actually. I couldn't remember your name but was bragging on your bonsai grow to a friend of mine - she couldn't believe it!

Now I can show her the pic :D


Well-Known Member
I love the sun, I grow purple power outside every summer and get a ton of bud off of them, 10ft. plants easy !! looks real tasy, I hope mine is good smoke too !!

Marie Jain

Active Member
I BLOODY HATE brown moths is my update >.<

Heheheh, it's war baby!

Yesterday I got pissed at the 1.5 hrs a day I'm spending out there to ward off these bastards, picking them out with tweezers and pulling fresh eggs off. Grrrrrr.

So taking the tipee that was staring me in the face as an idea I put some long sticks of wood together and some mostquito netting (fabric store ftw) and made a bug tipee for each of the remaining plants. I gathered the fabric this morning and just laid it aside, and the plant had it's normal sun. This evening, boom down go the shades. Fuck a buncha night moths!

Today's report includes a shitload fewer eggs and I feel like I'm just chasing off whatever freshly pops and/or I've missed. I'm getting to feel like pro at finding them while they are tiny or finding the eggs.

In other news I think I'm in love with Erkle. I've definately found the strain that I want to continue with :). I'll post pics in a day or so of the ladies in full flower. I'm just waiting on some plumping before I start pulling some of the bigger ones. I'm a believer in the 'harvest just the ripe stuff and let it grow' school of harvesting.


Well-Known Member
Erkle, that nerd on "Family Matters", haha:-P. Just kidding, Purple Urkle right? I've bought that before and I have to say it was the best smoke I've ever had, whoever grew the batch I got mine from did a great job, so the genetic potency is there. Harvest anything else yet?