First Grow


Well-Known Member
Why are you using aluminum sulfate to lower the pH? There are much better options. Also, all you should need to do is pH the nutrient solution. I would get rid of that aluminum sulfate and use phosphoric acid instead. Plants don't need aluminum.

I bought some of that to use on my blueberries that like acidic soil. Someone on this site brought up the aluminum and after researching I decided not to use it on a food crop and I would never use it on cannabis. I still have an unopened bag from a few years ago in the greenhouse.

Aluminum can interfere with phosphorus uptake along with other essential elements. It can also have a negative effect on root growth.

"Aluminum lowers plant N uptake and N-use efficiency because Al inhibits root growth."



Well-Known Member
Why are you using aluminum sulfate to lower the pH? There are much better options. Also, all you should need to do is pH the nutrient solution. I would get rid of that aluminum sulfate and use phosphoric acid instead. Plants don't need aluminum.

I bought some of that to use on my blueberries that like acidic soil. Someone on this site brought up the aluminum and after researching I decided not to use it on a food crop and I would never use it on cannabis. I still have an unopened bag from a few years ago in the greenhouse.

Aluminum can interfere with phosphorus uptake along with other essential elements. It can also have a negative effect on root growth.

"Aluminum lowers plant N uptake and N-use efficiency because Al inhibits root growth."

I haven't used it since watering with it during the initial prep of the soil....decided it probably wasn't a good thing to use, now just relying on the low ph of the nutrient additives in my water. Glad I didn't add any granules of it to my soil! If PH becomes a problem again, I'll pick up phosphoric acid. Thanks for the tip.