First Grow


Active Member
Hello everybody. First I would like to say this online community has taught me so much, thankyou all that make up this great forum. This is my first grow. I ordered these two feminized Dutch Passion #1 seeds online. I am currently veging under 2 flouro's, I will purchase a HPS/MH light soon. I haven't used any nutes yet, they're comming as well. I am using pro-mix organic soil strait out of the bag. As you can see in the attached pics one plant is larger than the other. They were both started at the same time. I belive the size difference is because I used two different sized pots to start the seedlings in. Once I transplanted into the larger pots the small one seems to be growing faster. I proped the pot with the small plant up with some magazines in order to keep it close to the light without burning the big one. Is there any advice, critisms, comments, or compliments you guys can give me? How am I doing so far?



Well-Known Member
everything looks pretty good. does the soil have perlite or some other modifier in it? straight soil doesn;t drain well enough typically and it helps to add 25% perlite. lots of mixes have some perlite, as it appears yours does, but not enough for weed.

also you should be watering such that a little water flows out of the bottom of your pots. since your pots don;t look like they;re set up to have water flowing out of them i was wondering if they're getting the drainage they should.


Active Member
That was one of the things i was wondering. No I dont believe I have ever seen excess water drain through the soil. I did make sure to add drainage holes to the pots though. I am giving the 250ml of distilled water every day. How would I go about fixing this? Would I have to transplant again to a new soil mixture? I dont think its a huge problem because they look pretty healthy, I think another transplant so soon would stress them too much. Btw I am using pro-mix Ultimate Organic Mix here's some info...

"PRO-MIX® Ultimate Organic Mix features:

  • Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
  • Mycorise® Biological Growth Enhancer
  • Organic Sea-based Compost
  • Perlite
  • Limestone"


Well-Known Member
you should up the amount of water until some flows out of the bottom. then wait until the soil is dry down an inch or so, then repeat. you'll probably end up watering every three or four days.

i wouldn;t transplant now either. but if you do in the future i;d add some more perlite to the mixture.

but i'm not saying you have a problem, just trying to help get the most out of your grow.


Active Member
Thanks for the help man. I just seems odd though I guess I would feel like im drowning them. How much water would it take? a half gallon!? If I do deciede to change my watering regiment to this way should I be concerned if the soil becomes muddy?


Well-Known Member
it takes about a gallon for water to come through my 3 gallon pots.

if your soil becomes a muddy mess that just shows you need the additional perlite. tough choice between repotting and just waiting it out.


Well-Known Member
dont rely on measurements so much as your eye ;) just water till you see any come out the bottom water slow and as soon as u see any come out stop ;)


Active Member
well i'll give it a go but I am thinking that the soil wont drain and just become muddy because the peat moss absorbs and holds water i believe. I have watched a few grow videos and one of which watered everyday waith small amounts like me and there crop turned out beautiful. I guess my main concern is killing them and having to start all over.


Well-Known Member
well im not too sure -_- for im a noob.. but ive done alot of research you will probally be fine..i just know its good for the soil to get completely moist and then kinda dry out a little so that soil and roots can get some air.. but yeah u definetlly dont want mud! lols but not matter what best of luck!


Well-Known Member
dont water everyday. mary hates having wet feet. water every 4 days or even once a week for best results...


Active Member
water til there is 10% runoff everytime you water. This is especially necessary the first time you water and every time you transplant because you will create dry spots that will never receive water later in your girls' lives. This strain doesnt fare so well indoors, it likes the sun a lot but still gets you really high. Watering is an art you will develop, listen to your baby girls, talk to them, blow lil' bits of co2 on them when you wake up in the morning and read them bedtime stories before you go to bed. but let them get slightly dry in between waterings, especially because you didnt add any additional perlite to the soil mix. By the way, since this is a typically outdoor strain that likes to stretch, you will want to crop these baddy daddies at least once when it hits 3 nodes or so so it splits off, cause they can grow tall and to get all the light this plant wants (and deserves) keep em short as possible. good luck and dont forget pictures.


Active Member
Well I think its time for an update along with a few questions. They have been flowering for 3 weeks and two days now. As you can see I now have a 400w hps setup with a lumatek digital ballast. I have a few questions/concerns now. First as you can see in one of the pictures I took(btw pics were taken with a cell phone, sorry) the bottom leaves on these are not looking so good, real droopy. I pulled some of the leaves that were dying near the bottom. The top leaves and buds look great though. They got way too tall in veg (rookie mistake lol) so i just started bending them down so I wouldn' run out of room. Also this was an outdoor strain I ordered, dutch passion #1, because I origionally intended for it to be outdoors, but that changed. Anyway their website says flowering time is 6 weeks, but is that for outdoors only? Will it take longer because they are inside? Another thing is, I vegged and did about a week of flowering with the two flouros you see on theside, my question is are these lights mounted like that helping anthing or does the 400w drown them out and I could save some electricity but taking them out i just felt that it might promote some good lower buds. One more thing I can think of right now, my lumatek ballat is screwed to the wall sideways, and when its fully warmed up it gets pretty hot to the touch, is this normal or is the way my ballast is mounted bad for it? Any guess at what my yeild might be? Any input would be awesome. I have learned so much, and have found a new passion. :joint:



Well-Known Member
i grew some jock horror and it never stunk. I'm currently growing some ppp and it stinks bad in veg stage. Haven't flowerd them yet but i'm expecting it to be worse.


Well-Known Member
if they say 6 weeks to flower then stick to it, though i've never seen any 6 week flowering strains. I usually pull mine when 70-80 percent of hairs are brown.

Your light should penetrate 18 inches.