First Grow...


Well-Known Member
Sounds good I will definitely pull up a chair, I am not too far behind you on my own CFL grow.


Active Member
Hi mate, lookin good! I am also surprised that no one is answering! Unfortunatly i'm a beginer too so prob won't be able to help with any of your issues. I was wondering though did you ever find out the answer to when seedlings start the veg process? I didn't realise there was a difference and i feel like my plants are growing really slowly


Active Member
...I was wondering though did you ever find out the answer to when seedlings start the veg process?...
According to my research :), a seedling enters the vegetative stage just after the first five-bladed set of leaves form . In this grow for example, plants started vegging about two weeks after sprouting.


Well-Known Member
Did your true 3rd set of leaves have 5 leafs? Mine went 2 leaves, 3 leaves, then 5, 7, 9 etc...


Active Member
so not the first set of true leaves, but the first ones with five points? Or is it just the second set of true leaves? Ahh the confusion........ See cause i was thinking mine where growing a bit slow, cause everyone was going on about 30 day veg's and stuff. Mine are just sprouting their second sets of true leaves, so i suppose they are doing just fine for about 2 weeks. You can have a look at mine here

If you so desire.


Active Member
Vegetative stage starts with the first set of five bladed leaves, whenever it forms (it usually forms when the plant is about 3-4 inches long).

The point, i guess, is that the vegetative stage starts when the plant has a certain amount of chlorophyll and a well developed root system for vigorous growth. A plant which has a set of five bladed leaves (even as the first set of true leaves, which is probably not very common) is considered to have the required surface area which can hold enough chlorophyll for the vegetative stage. I don't know if the formation of a five bladed leaf set also corresponds to a well root system though, probably it does...

For this particular grow, the plants' formed single bladed leaves as the first set and it went on as 1-3-5-7... So i assume the vegetative stage began about two weeks after sprouting.

I'm not sure though :) If you get to know anything about this issue please post it at "Cannabis Life Cycle".

By the way, i got some new toys in the grow room :mrgreen:. I'll let you know in a couple of hours, after watering the ladies (they've sexed you know, although they're 25-30 days old!).


Active Member
ooo, very informative! so mine have just sprouted their second set, mine are 3 bladed.. interesting.. cheers for the help man, where are the piccys? :)


Active Member
The males have unfortunately been "eliminated." I noticed that the roots are already all around the two gallon container and the plants may get "pot bound" soon. Should i transplant the remaining five females which are also in 1.5-2 gallon containers?

The roots seem healthy though.

So these are the males in quarantine, enjoying their last minutes of sunshine before the execution :-(



Active Member
Well well well... So here's the news. The new setting is complete. The CFLs are replaced with two 150W HIDs (one MH, one HPS) and the room shines!

As a matter of fact, i think using many high wattage (more than 20-30W) CFLs is useless. They produced the same amount of heat as two 150W HIDs do. And, as their number increased, they produced a mess in the room that i was almost unable to do any kind of gardening at all :) So these two 150W HIDs (although they have mechanical ballasts and are a bit heavy) are a lot more practical and efficient.

Still, i guess i need a stronger and more silent fan and a couple of small ventilators...



Active Member
1) Since the plants have sexed should i switch to 12/12 or simply assume that these plants are of an 'autoflowering' strain and go on with 18/6?

2) Some plants seem to be burning! (look at those leaves, the first two pictures are taken just after the HID bulbs are installed and the last two are taken after running the HID bulbs for a little more than a day).

Well, i have to admit that i sprayed water on them and then let the ventilators blow on them until the water on the leaves evaporated and then ran the HIDs:fire:



Active Member
A sad day...

I guess i screwed the most of the plants up:wall: Although the bulbs were at least 10 inches away from the tops, they burnt.

I don't know if these burns have anything to do with misting water on the plants. I sprayed water on them when the lights are off and let them dry for several hours and then turned the lights on.

Out of five females, only two don't have burns. By the way, one of the plants (the tallest of all since the sprouting) has become about 14 inches; this one, although the closest to the light, doesn't have burns, interesting...



Active Member
Oh shit! I did that to my first two seedlets, part of the reason i changed to CLF. I think mine burnt cause i sprayed water on them while they where under the light. So dya think thats it for the ones that where burnt? That is sad, they where looking boootiful :(


Active Member
The plants are still in coma. Out of five females, three are badly burnt.

Well, the interesting thing is that, the tallest plant (which was the closest to the bulbs) seems to have no sign of a burn and goes quite nicely and have white little hairs at many nodes (the last one in the picture). It's longer than 13 inches!

I brought the one i thought was hermaphrodite back into the grow room. I'm happy that i hadn't thrown it away and let it sit on the window sill for couple of days. I don't think it's an hermaphrodite after all :bigjoint: We'll see in about a week i guess...

Currently, there is a 150W MH, at least two feet away from the plant tops. The room temperature is around 77-80F. A ventilator works over the plants, another one blows directly on 150W MH. The room is much cooler with HPS off.

I think out of six plants, three will be just fine (one of these may be a hermaphrodite though), one may die, the other two will survive.



Active Member
Cut the burnt top colas and the dead leaves a couple of days ago and the poor plants looked like plucked chickens. They started to recover though, new growth from the lower nodes and branches is visible.

(A 150W MH and a 150W HPS, with 18/6 schedule, at least a foot away from the tops)



Active Member
Well this tall lady seems invincible. Although she was the closest to the bulbs and all other plants badly burnt, nothing happened to her at all.

But she grew a bit more than the room's limits so i took two separate cuts from the top (i somehow managed to have four cuts from this plant, let's see if they live or not!). As she's very strong and fast growing, i plan to use her or one of her clones as a bonsai mother!



Active Member
one of yours is huge! what the hell you been feeding her!!!
All of the plants were fed exactly the same way with the same fertilizer. A general purpose, 7-6-6 fertilizer with secondary and trace elements is used. There is something wrong with that huge one, i agree, and i like it :)


Active Member
Well the ongoing heat problem seems to be partly due to styrofoam used as reflective surface material. Styrofoam proved to be rather insulating than reflective...