first grow


Active Member
these are some 10 days old tanzania magic.. crap picture.. will get my digital and post pics of the grow room with all the plants soon. 7 tanzania magic and 8 sensi skunk. 1 400w hps lamp. 2x2x2 room... you think i should put up another 400 watt? or change to a 600w?



Well-Known Member
How big do you plan on letting the 15 plants get? Thats a pretty small room for 15 plants. SOG may be a way to go. 400w should be good for a room that size. Just thinking you may get cramped growing bug plants....besides...with big plants would you be able to fit another HPS in there?

Id say go with SOG...or just dont wait too long to flower. Not sure how your strain grows but....give yourself room to flower in there.

And whats the heat like in there now with one light?


Active Member
veggin them 40 cm before flower another hps should fit but i also have a 600w greenpower hps i can use... but the problem is heat.. with the lamp i have now its 24 to 29 .40% humidity. going to install a ventilation system before i add another lamp tho.. looked at some cooltubes too.. the lamp generate fucking loads of heat.. ballast is built in with the lamp. hot as hell


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking...small spaces and HPS's can be a problem...adding another HPS might be too much heat to control for a reasonable price.


Well-Known Member
whats SOG btw ? :)

If you go to the Growfaqs it explains it in detail. But in a only veg for a short period then flower. Keeps the plants small in stature...but the yield on one grow is gonna be less than veg'n for 8 weeks.

But you can complete more SOG (Sea Of Green) grows per year than traditional grows. So in the long may end up growing more in a year that way than with an 8 week veg. Again...thats in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
rostardo, maybe I'm wasted, but you said your room is 2x2x2????
Obviously the 2x2x2 room is NOT the room pictured in the last pic????
If it is, you need a new tape measure.
Cause that sure looks like a grow room in the last pic dude.


Active Member
hehe ok i dont know really i thought 2 meters each way.. anyways.. thats the room :) any thoughts of improvement ? do the plants look ok ? first time to see a plant for me :)
just watched videos about setting up rooms


Well-Known Member
ROFLMAO, okay fair enough buddy.
Well if thats your room, and using your tape measure, your light is about 6 meters too far away!

Honestly, get your light closer, or the stretching that you are experiencing, will only get worse. Your plants, and I'm sorry to say this, but, they are horribly stretched. I understand that they are young, so that light, right now should be about 16" away from your babies. When they get older, a 400 watt light should be about 12" away.

I wouldn't switch to a 600, I would add a 600 though.
Using both lights at the same time.
Good luck to you buddy!


Active Member
hmmm ok.. i know they are stretching.. i had the lamp further down but the leaves was curling so i raised it.. isnt a 400w hps producing to much heat to have it close when they are so young ?


Well-Known Member
I'm just telling you how I do it buddy. Do you have a fan in there to circulate the air? You should have one in there.

I dont think the leaves were raised because it was too close, they were most likely giving thanks to the light Gods, for having it where they want it.

hmmm ok.. i know they are stretching.. i had the lamp further down but the leaves was curling so i raised it.. isnt a 400w hps producing to much heat to have it close when they are so young ?


Active Member
i got 2 table fans going im gonna lower the lamp to 16" when the light turns back on.. some other guy told me 25 to 30" away.. thats why i have it that way