First Grow


im not sure that it is an autoflower but i have not topped it and it has lots of colas forming maybe if it is a female. i have my fingers crossed i hope it shows signs soon


thanks my humidity is a little high with the lights off about 70% i need to get a oscillating fan right now i just have the ac cooling fans in the box and a window air conditioner


would it be beneficial to cut the bigger fan leaves off the middle of the stem so it focuses more on the bud sites?
but uhhh could get the grabage bag ties then like sorta cut holes in the side of the container and tie them down, and o man that sux, but uhh r u lke helping him out


Active Member
I Started my grow exactly 16 days ago. I have been following your thread since that day, as it has been a very good indicator for me as to what to expect and hopefully learn from you, or more so, your mistakes and solutions.
I can see your babies, or should i say ladies are coming along nicely! My 4 babies are coming along too! Just started using nutes and over fed on the first feeding! Great! :/
I am going to properly sub to your thread now and follow til the end!

Check out my thread if youve got a moment!



yes they are coming along amazing a little nutrient burn but my ladies have a long time left.... what nutes are you using? i thank you for all the love i will keep it updated


Ok everyone update on the grow!!! I started flowering about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks ago and they are doing great!!! the one on the right is a week younger than the other.



Ok so a little update. The plants love the screen and i have recently began to LST the plants bc they are too tall for the cabinet.

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i have given my plants a lot of stress tonight bc i was completing my LST plans im giving them a dose of fertilizer tomorrow and hopefully they survive the bending =D