First grow


Well-Known Member
so this is my first post on rollitup and i was wondering, i have a plant thats growing, its my baby, but its a friend of mines that im taking care of. its about 10 days old give or take. I currently have a 27W CFL. I was wondering if this should be enough light.
Balanced Spectrum ® 27 Watt Bulb

Sorry but i looked through the old threads and could not find a specific answer


Well-Known Member
spend some time on the forums, theres a ton of info posted already and you usually dont even have to ask a question, the answers are all there!
Its a lot of fun though....and teaches you to be patient! (Growing that is)


Well-Known Member
well i usually do spend alot of time on forums, and i usually go to waytoomany but this is my first time at rollitup....i like this site alot though from what i have seen so far....alot of experienced people on here

usually i consider myself pretty smart when it comes to pot but growing is something new for me but thanks for the heads up


Well-Known Member
To be honest you need at least 3 of those for any growth to be somewhat ok...I have 1 plant going and i am using 7 27W CFL's that are daylight 6500K.


Well-Known Member
i use 1 for the first week or 2 then mh light till flowering then it hps. and make shore its 6500 daylight cfl. good luck


Active Member
i learned everything i know from forums and google and shit and i guess i know alot now so im straight