First Grow


Active Member
I got a buch of seeds, and I planted a buch last month. When I dug up one to see what was going on, it sprouted and I kept it and then it died. I think the cold killed the other ones. Now I got three New seeds, and they were black. I planted the seeds Feb 1, Feb 2, and Feb 3. I live in Upstate SC, and its not really cold now.
I think one of them sprouted.
I check on them once a week.

How long will it take to fully mature to Budness?
They are outdoor grow, any tips that come with that?
One is in a fertilizer pot, and the other two in the ground.


Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Its called karma.

Take a look at your other thread & you'll know why your shit is dead.

You reap what you sew my friend.


Well-Known Member
I see a super model growing pot... every time I close my eyes.


I see a super model growing pot... when I look in the mirror!


I see a super model growing pot... now that Naomi Campbell is out of rehab.

Take your pick.


Active Member
I suggest sprouting your seeds first and growing them to at least 3 or 4 inches and then transplanting them into the ground outside.


Well-Known Member
Where are you located?....If it was cold enough last month to kill your babys then start them inside likecatfishminion said


Well-Known Member
What the fuck? I don't know any pot smokers that didn't graduate.... wait, you must be an American. It's not the drugs that fail your students, it's your inferior schooling systems.


Active Member
"How many pot smokers do you see graduating?" what the hell kind of question is that. you just need to read kid browse the forum it has all the info you would ever need already on it. so stop with your noob ass qustions and your shitty ass demeanor.


Active Member
Germinate the seeds on/in a moist paper towel and then let them grow in some rockwool... that will be easy to transplant into the ground with


Active Member
I have holes in the ground with fert. in them. I plan to to make the holes deeper and add more fert. tomorrow.
Any tips for my FIRST outdoor grow?



Active Member
Sounds good just don't over fertilize.... for an outdoor grow I usually just let moter nature do most of the work.... water some during dry spells ad check the plants periodically for fungus/mold and parasites


New Member
How many pot smokers do you see graduating?....think about it.
Ok first take your seeds and shove em up your ass, then feed them with a nutrient solution of urine sprayed liberally by your Leather clad boyfriend, but Ph may become an issue so to keep your medium acidic enough i recommend using phosphoric acid, easily obtained from any auto parts store,just tell em you need some battery acid. administer to your plants either by drinking or in an enema. Good luck And may you have buds coming out your ass!!!


New Member
who's always pissed off? Come on man stick with your stereotype will ya? Stoners, always pissed off, not likely. Come on make sense man