First Grow

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
oh!! Something I just noticed! I can't be sure because the picture is a little close up, but in the first picture you posted on this page, do you notice how the leaves seem to be bending to the right? I'm not certain, but they seem close to the mylar which may be getting too hot/bright and the leaves are trying to get away from it. You may want to consider moving the plant a few inches away from the mylar on the wall

I moved away a little further just to be safe so thanks I didn't notice that

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
It's been almost a week since I started LST and all of my plants have leaves that are turning colors is this normal??? If not I'm going to stop LST and try again next grow somebody let me know asap


Well-Known Member
That coloration isn't from LST! They are either burnt or suffering a deficiency...I would say burn though...

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
That coloration isn't from LST! They are either burnt or suffering a deficiency...I would say burn though...
I think it might have been from dehydration or lack of something I fed them 2 days ago and from what they used to look like they have perked up a lot, but IDK i will keep everyone posted


Well-Known Member
It's a n deficiency. They are getting bigger so start feeding them more n. What are the temps? How much of what are you giving them? It might be burn but I'm thinking it's a deficiency. Lady j I owe you a doobie if I'm wrong!!

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
I just gave them a dose of nutes two days ago and they started to come back to life this morning. Im giving them 2 tsp per gallon and giving them 2 gallons of water collectively. Going to be feeding/watering them every 3 to 4 days is this good or should I go longer???


Well-Known Member
That seems to be a bit more than I fed mine but I'm thinkin yours need that much but try just water. I did a F-W-F-W-F-W during veg and then I went to a F-F-W-F-F-W-F-F-W during flower. I never fed them every time. Lady J might be right. It might be burn. BUT if they are reacting well to the nutes then give them the nutes. Don't let your soil dry all the fuck the way out either. just until about 2 inches down it's dry then after that it's moist it is ok to water. You got to finger bang them hoes every once in a while!

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
That seems to be a bit more than I fed mine but I'm thinkin yours need that much but try just water. I did a F-W-F-W-F-W during veg and then I went to a F-F-W-F-F-W-F-F-W during flower. I never fed them every time. Lady J might be right. It might be burn. BUT if they are reacting well to the nutes then give them the nutes. Don't let your soil dry all the fuck the way out either. just until about 2 inches down it's dry then after that it's moist it is ok to water. You got to finger bang them hoes every once in a while!

Im on the F-W-F-W-F-W type of schedule for right now and I thanks for the info on what I should during flowering. I think they reacted that way because I let them dry completely out before transplantation and then gave them like 3 gallons of straight water and it probably drained out the nutes and I can't stop laughing at the finger banging comment lol.


Well-Known Member
OMG you guys had me giggling like a school girl.... :)

Looks like nute burn my feeding frenzy friend. What about just s little N with your water??? Could be N def. too, they need way more N in veg than anything else. It's most def. NOT your LST-ing.
I hope it doesn't get to your other leaves too :( Boost up your N and quit the other crap till they catch back up!


Active Member
To be honest, doesn't look much like N def to me...looks to me like that's a magnesium and phosphorus deficiency ;)!

OMG you guys had me giggling like a school girl.... :)

Looks like nute burn my feeding frenzy friend. What about just s little N with your water??? Could be N def. too, they need way more N in veg than anything else. It's most def. NOT your LST-ing.
I hope it doesn't get to your other leaves too :( Boost up your N and quit the other crap till they catch back up!

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Whatever it was it stopped after I fed them and they are coming back around and starting to look good again. I will look for a good N supp or nutes with a higher concentration of N