First Grow

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Just undid the LST going to try at a later stage in the process thanks to some informative people hopefeully I didn't mess anything up they still look healthy.


Well-Known Member
Nah they will straighten out pretty quick... They just need some meat on their bones for the LST!


Active Member
just keep your lights no more than two inches from the top the plants at all time. when they get close move the lights up. your plants will stand up on their own with enough light.

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
Survival Blanket has arrived and my setup is almost complete will put pics up after they wake up. Now I need to go out and get some perlite for the soil


Well-Known Member
things are getting better over here I see ;) Your funny lst-ing them when they were that! I was like "wtf", glad bumps and gramps chimed in for ya. Now quit trying to rush em' will ya?'s just a weed and with a little bit of TLC they will most likely flourish!! Keep those darn light close.....ALL THE TIME! Unless you see burning which is unlikely. Looks like they are stretching a little...think of them as saying "Daddy Daddy, help us...we can't reach the lights" lol!

and I LOVE bloodmeal as a 10-0-0. It comes in a box and you just sprinkle a teenie tiny pinch into your soil and perlite mix when you transplant. They LOVE it and will bush up real nice for ya.

Can't wait to see your improved must be psyched :)

Grow Express24

Well-Known Member
ok thanks where can i find that at??? Im still thinking about staying with the 6-4-4 cause its part of a trio I have by fox farm, but I will look into it. And I am excited about my setup I turned my whole closet into a grow room so it should look nice


yay! let me introduce myself to this journal :-o I'm the wife! nice posts babe lil dirt boy :roll: I occupy the other side of this closet like any good wife I like to share my space lol I grow in bubbles tho! yay love ya babe :hump:


Well-Known Member
I like to reward myself with a doobie when I'm done with the work. But right now it's not work. I just pull on em and move em and smell em and just generally be around them and they love me for it! I'm excited about your pictures!