First Grow!

Hey everyone just ordered my first batch of seeds for my first indoor grow! I ordered 4 seeds from the tude and had a couple questions.

First Off what I've decided to grow:
1 Barney's Farm Liberty Haze
1 Barney's Farm LSD
1 Barney's Farm Auto Sweet Tooth
1 world of seeds MazarxGreat White

Where I'm growing: 2nd Bathroom because it's off my bedroom and no visitors go to that side of house. Spacious white area. (stand up shower is where the main base will be.

Ill be using 4 100 watt equivalent CFLS & 2-4 smaller wattage CFLS. (2700 kelvin per light x4) Is this enough light for 3-4 plants? HPS lights are a no go due to energy costs and I just like the versatility provided by being able to add or remove lights throughout the grow.

My questions are should I use any nuts for veg state? I will be using some Fox Farm nutes during flowering but wondered if there was a solid item for veg?

Also if anyone has any experience with any of these plants tips are welcome! (how they grew, reacted well/poorly, space etc.

Also I can't decide if I want these plants to be taller or more compact? Will 1 get me more than the other?

If you have any questions about my strains or grow area I'll answer them just trying to stay ahead of the game.


Active Member
1. Your gonna need more light for flower.. Way more.. It will be good For veg though..

2. Fox farms have nutes for veg and flower.. and you need nutes for veg..

3. To maximze your yeild look into fimming it will help your plants yeild a heck of alot more..


Active Member
The taller they are the more they yeild.. But, its up to how much space you have.. Id reccomend keeping them compact for now, and just fim them
Thanks. Yeah I've already ordered another 6 pack of 100 watt cfls. I'm thinking about putting a couple ground level to keep them from becoming too tall or too short


Active Member
1. Your gonna need more light for flower.. Way more.. It will be good For veg though..

2. Fox farms have nutes for veg and flower.. and you need nutes for veg..

3. To maximze your yeild look into fimming it will help your plants yeild a heck of alot more..
Light shouldn't be much of a problem for the size he is doing not a big job.
My grow space is about 3x3 depth and width wise. Height won't be a problem it's like 9-10 ft clearance. So maybe the taller the better in my case? Again I'm pretty new just looking for advice


Well-Known Member
Space should definitely not be an issue, I suggest adding as much light as possible..
Remember that the yeild is not measured by the number of plants but more on how much light you're providing the plants. I think 3 plants be be just about right in that space, 4 may be pushing it?

Nutes: Depending on your budget buy veg nutes and flower nutes but it wont harm if you only use flowering nutes.
What sized containers are you planning to use?

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
guess Ppl. did answer most of your questions ?

but if you want to scale up a bit at some point .. and still only use CLF/fluorescent and have the same space (+9ft in hight) ..

you could always make it a "two floor" growing room and add a shelf so you end up with two 3x3 rooms with 4-5 feet hight and grow low plants (scorg/FIM/autos)

and even tho you now have most space in hight I wouldnt grow high plants with CLF ..
make a sea of green to cover the hole 3x3 and keep them bulb on top of em .. maybe make a hood/reflector you can adjust up and down ?

and use a majority of 6500K bulbs in Veg and a majority of 2700-3000K in flowering .. tho mix em a bit ..

also ... can I ask you .. since the room is next to your bed room and inside the house .. what kind of odour controle do you have ?

look in to this .. you will need some kind of activ carbon filter .. unless you make a out take from the bathroom and out a window or a ventilation canal (will still stink a lot out side) and make your door air tight so odour dont travel to your bedroom/hole house .. once in flowering it will be pretty bad .. have read stories wher neighbours could smell it +50meters away from ther house !

best of luck ..
Yeah I thought about maybe just going with 3 and keeping the auto in my room separate. Lighting is on the way I realize for the grow Ill need to add a lot I just want to make sure they germinate and sprout first. About the 6500k bulbs I can't seem to find them at lowes. I have a lowes credit card so I'm getting everything from there but all I can seem to find is the 2700k bulbs. Any clue on where to get the 65?

And yes my space is next to my room. Door has been sealed 100% top and bottom. I have looked into carbon filters I want to make sure it's bad enough for one. My buddy grew a couple of plants and never really had to get one because the smell didn't really come out of the room. A quick question since its in my bathroom would my bathroom fan help at all with the smell? Like the one on your ceiling. Just flip it on and hope it sucks all the odor in? Just brainstorming....really stoned lol

Thanks guys I you are easing a lot of the pressure for me by answering and helping. It's greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Dont over worry about bulb spectrum, alot of places only stock 2700 and it shouldnt make much difference to be honest.. 6500 is best for vegetation but 2700k will do just fine for both stages of growth :)
And i also like the idea of a 2-part grow room, thtd be awesome :) And yeh dont try growing tall plants with just cfls.. it can be done but keeping them small and LST'ing them will definitely be better for you're yeild and also give you experience
yea i like the idea of a two part maybe with my bigger plants below and my auto up top. I just wanted to try an auto to see what they were like. I have heard Barneys farm sweet tooth auto is very unstable but if grown right can produce 200g and if i can somehow manage to make half that on my first auto i will be buying more. i actually think i may put this plan into me double the space.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought about maybe just going with 3 and keeping the auto in my room separate. Lighting is on the way I realize for the grow Ill need to add a lot I just want to make sure they germinate and sprout first. About the 6500k bulbs I can't seem to find them at lowes. I have a lowes credit card so I'm getting everything from there but all I can seem to find is the 2700k bulbs. Any clue on where to get the 65?

And yes my space is next to my room. Door has been sealed 100% top and bottom. I have looked into carbon filters I want to make sure it's bad enough for one. My buddy grew a couple of plants and never really had to get one because the smell didn't really come out of the room. A quick question since its in my bathroom would my bathroom fan help at all with the smell? Like the one on your ceiling. Just flip it on and hope it sucks all the odor in? Just brainstorming....really stoned lol

Thanks guys I you are easing a lot of the pressure for me by answering and helping. It's greatly appreciated!

ahhh I see .. so its a "lowes" grow .. that kool :)

well see if you can get 5000K then ..schould be possible .. keep away from the 4000K .. get a lot of 2700K insted and mix em with the 5000k .. maybe at some point order one online (maybe if you need to order some nutriens or sumthing aswell)
get a 125W or 250W 6500K and mix it with them others ..

you can easily go with a few bulbs the fist week or two .. but you will soon need more (hopefully . if you do things right ;))

actualy like the idea ..

been playing with the idea myself ..
if I had to build a small cheap grow room to keep me with enough to cover my needs but only with cheap stuff from my "lowers"

the way I would do it ...

build a shelf to make it in to two rooms ...

buy T5 fixtures to fit the space... 2" and as many I can fit in the 3 feet wide .. 8-10 I reccon I could stuff in ther :D specialy with T5 ..

(they got T5 at my Lowers ... not the HO type .. but still .. also got T8 might be better if watt is high ? need to look in to that)

they dont have 6500K at my lowers either .. 2700 ... 3000 ... 4000... and 5000K

so I would mostlikely choose to grow Auto seeds .. considering I dont have Veg lights and tubes/low space ..

so I would go allmost all out 2700K .. lets say 8x 2700K and 2x 5000K maybe ..

and buy/build two of em and grow 2-4 Autos on each shlf dependin on strain/size ..

if I could get some 6500K tubes at some point (could get it all at Lowers cept 4 6500K tubes online .. 40$ I reccon tops)
I would do a sea of green ... on boath shelfs .. Veg short time still .. to keep it low ..

I would also buy a fan to make some air circulation in ther ..

but most importent I would make some kind of air in/out .. need to find a solution .. so you dont end up with stald air .. smelly bed room and unhappy plants ..

you said sumthing about a out take ventilation in the bathroom .. is it a electrick powerd one ?
do you hear it start up .. if not its just a passiv one .. need to add sumthing .. or make sumthing for your window maybe ?

Im thinking a box .. with two 4" tubes .. one for air in and one for air out .. fit a cheap cooker filter or two in the tube for the out take and a cheap bathroom ventilation on boath .. one turnd so it pull fresh air in .. one with the carbon filters on .. so it pull air out .. boath filter and ventilation cost like 12$ at my lowers ..4" white tupeing cost the same for 4" :D so be creativ ..


now they got light and air/co2 and with a sealed room odour wont be a real problem ...

I reccon my lowers also got a few stuff for gartening . so a few cheap 1 and 3 gallon pots .. 4 of each for each shelf I reccon for autos ..

some tomato fertilizer is what come close if you cant get the right one from a hydro/grow store ..

look in to what they need ..

if you get cheap soil ther you need to mix in a few things .. even with autos who have a short live you will most likely get problems if you just grow in cheap soil .. atlest see if you can get some lega nuts and perelit .. sand is also nice .. but need to be clean sand .. a littel petmoss is also ok ..and if you have a garten center some wormcasting would be great ..

also if you can get stuff like Epsom salt and lime .. maybe blod/bone meal .. that would be awsom to add in the soil ... do some research ..

with a littel work you wont need nutriens atall ..
Yes on the 5000k lights ive been looking online. And yes the fan is the kind that starts up and it sounds pretty powerful. Also something I havent mentioned is their is an air vent in there for my A/C. So the room is constantly getting fresh air and it stays around 70-74 degrees at all times.


Well-Known Member
Even 10 of the 26 watters will not have the power of a 250w hps. If you want resin production you need stronger lights. I use those cfl's for veg and bonsai moms, but would never try to flower with them.
Yes yes I know hps are better. I will NOT be using one so for further comments please exclude how cfls can't flower weed cuz I've seen it done.


Well-Known Member
Yes yes I know hps are better. I will NOT be using one so for further comments please exclude how cfls can't flower weed cuz I've seen it done.
I'm not saying that it won't produce flowers, but I am saying you will be disappointed with wispy buds with very little trichomes. Good luck sir !


Well-Known Member
boath right I guess .. it all depense .. if your a hard core smoker or wants to sell or share with friends aso...

but if you just like to smoke a splif at night or at weekends and think it funn to mess around with a few small autos and grow a few oz evry seccon month .. then I guess its ok ..

and who knows .. once he made his fist haverst he can tell .. maybe he is happy .. maybe he will buy a small 150W HPS and try it out ?

its not a wast .. CLSs work great for seedlings ;)

them grows I have seen .. have mostly been .. well .. kind a spendly small plants ... with wispy buds as Gyro said ..

tho now and then I see somebody post pics or read a old thread with somebody who grew under fluores. only and made a haverst close to what a HPS can do ...

but they also seems to know what they do .. use big T5HO (or VHO) fixtures with nice refletors .. maybe side lighting ... and some do hydro/DWG ..

if all else is optimised it seems like you can get close .. maybe even better then some of the pics I have seen of nubs with 400 or 600W HPS lights .. with small pots .. high temps .. no nutriens or to many aso.

could be fun to see a old vet. grower ... grow with a 12 bulb T5VHO in DWG with all the right nutriens and nusery/training ..
and a fist time nub with a 400W MH/HPS in soil ..

I bet diffrent will be tiny ..... nub might grow sumthing that can get close since he have the strong light .. so if he is lucky not to get to many problems and use to much time in here in plant problems threads I bet it will be same diffrent ...

atlest in wight .. and with a good medical strain it will be strong enough ...


Well-Known Member
A good rule is 100w for the first plant and 50 for each additional. This is the minimum. You have 4 plants so you need 250w. You have all 2700k's and you need 5500 or even better 6500k. The 2700k's will be good for flowering though. Right now you have 4x23w=92w and I'm guessing the 2-4 smaller ones are 14w(60w equiv). So at most right now you have 148w. Now because you have all 2700k's I would recommend picking up some 23/42w 6500ks, and then you will be fine.