First grow

Okay im done acting like all this shit is science. Its my first grow. Just tell me what soil to get and what nutes and if i should use specefic dosage of those nutes or to cut them in half or whatever. Also when to start giving nutes and when to switch to a different kind or whatever. I'm tired of acting like its rocket science. Thanks in advance.
Also i dont know if you know this strain but its called THC Bomb. If you know the best possible things to use for this strain that would be awesome. Thanks.

Garden weeds

Active Member
right, you got a long way to go with that first statement, it isnt hard provdiding you know what you are doing and you have done your research, which obvsiously you havent so it will be hard at the minute for you untill you read and read and read. you can use any soil, up to you whatever you want, as for nutes, again, personal preference, i use the bio-bizz range which i have found very good! recommened by a friend of mine. as for what and when you feed them will be on the grow chart, bio-bizz grow chart tells you when and what to feed them, and so do other brands of nutes. Best advice i can give you is read till your eyes drop out, you cant read enough about growing weed. good luck!! GW
right, you got a long way to go with that first statement, it isnt hard provdiding you know what you are doing and you have done your research, which obvsiously you havent so it will be hard at the minute for you untill you read and read and read. you can use any soil, up to you whatever you want, as for nutes, again, personal preference, i use the bio-bizz range which i have found very good! recommened by a friend of mine. as for what and when you feed them will be on the grow chart, bio-bizz grow chart tells you when and what to feed them, and so do other brands of nutes. Best advice i can give you is read till your eyes drop out, you cant read enough about growing weed. good luck!! GW
Ive got like at least 72 hours worth of research in my head. The only thing im stressing about is nutes and soil and thats pretty huge. Its my first grow so i can learn from my mistakes but i just want to know what soil and nutes to use.


Well-Known Member
Hey, DW, I commiserate! I'm also new at this, but thanks to the good folk here at RIU and a copy of The Cannabis Grow Bible, I seem to be doing okay. The only advice I can stand behind is to read all the stickies here to start. Those were turned into stickies because the original poster did such a good job explaining the basics (and that's all you need for a successful first grow, really!) that the site recognized that work as a worthy authority. That said, if the sticky is 100 pages long, what you also have is a lot of lame, pulled-from-the-ass advice and commentary on top of that worthy work.

Another thing I suggest is start really paying attention to who elevates the discussions -- you'll see the same 5 or 6 screen names pop up as voices of moderation and reason. Listen to them. Also look for consensus. If three of those people you consider experts agree on something, pay attention!

And remember -- some people post here when they're high. Makes for a great read but shouldn't be info that you act on.

I've got a hydro set up, so I can't tell you what I've been doing that's been successful so far because it won't translate to soil. But one last thing that was helpful is that I used the HTG Supply web site for information -- go in there, look at their descriptions of soil and nutes, compare those with reliable sources, like the veterans here and the Grow Bible, and see what looks like it makes sense to you.

And finally, when you start your first grow, your goal should be getting your plants to harvest without them dying. Period. So you don't have to go crazy with 50,000 specialized nutes and supplements! Just stick with the basics the first time out -- a micro, grow and bloom system is all you need. Raise those first girls to maturity. Harvest. Enjoy. Then take everything you learned and start again, this time at a higher level.


Well-Known Member
Before you start you're going to need a place to grow, im just going to go ahead and assume you already have that planned out. Next are the lights, If this is your first grow then CFL's are probably your best bet unless you want to spend the money on MH/HPS lights. Dont expect much for your first grow though, especially if you dont think growing is complicated because you will mostly under mind your plants. Other than that you should probably make sure you have everything you need beforehand because you dont want to mess up in the middle of your grow and figure out that you dont have the right equipment or nutes. A good soil that i would suggest is Fox Farms, quite a common brand around here.As for you questions, you CAN put your sprouted seeds straight into a five gal pot but i personally always start my seeds in small pots and transplant them later on. You should look around on the forums for a little bit longer before you grow so that you can figure out what is wrong with your plants before having to post a whole thread about it (which isn't really bad). If you have any questions i would love to help, Good luck with your grow ;)
Before you start you're going to need a place to grow, im just going to go ahead and assume you already have that planned out. Next are the lights, If this is your first grow then CFL's are probably your best bet unless you want to spend the money on MH/HPS lights. Dont expect much for your first grow though, especially if you dont think growing is complicated because you will mostly under mind your plants. Other than that you should probably make sure you have everything you need beforehand because you dont want to mess up in the middle of your grow and figure out that you dont have the right equipment or nutes. A good soil that i would suggest is Fox Farms, quite a common brand around here.As for you questions, you CAN put your sprouted seeds straight into a five gal pot but i personally always start my seeds in small pots and transplant them later on. You should look around on the forums for a little bit longer before you grow so that you can figure out what is wrong with your plants before having to post a whole thread about it (which isn't really bad). If you have any questions i would love to help, Good luck with your grow ;)
Okay you guys are getting the wrong idea...i have everything planned out i just need to know about soil and nutrients..And im using a 430 son agro bulb for flowering and two of these and as for ventilation ive got a small grow room so i just have an exhaust fan with an opening on one side so the exhaust will just pull air in and i got mylar sheeting and and fans and everything. Im not currently growing im gathering information. i dont understand why everyone thinks i know nothing about what im doing...anyways i found what i needed and im just trying to figure out one going to go along with this but my only question is how much is 1/3 soil and 1/3 perlite and 1/3 vermiculite. I mean should i just get a 2 cu. ft bag of each then just mix all the shit together really well then call it good? also i deffinately wont be needing all this soil for my first grow so what should i do with leftovers so it wont get bugs or anything like that?
Okay anyone got a replacement that would work for that soil? do i absolutely have to use that as a medium for the thing i posted above? because i cant find this soil anywhere near me.


Well-Known Member
All, I mean ALL of your questions are going to have multiple correct answers....... What works great for 10 guys might be something that the 10 guys next to them have never tried, and their method of doing the same thing is different, but works equally as well.
That being said, some will tell you start in a 4" pot, then a 6", than a 2 gal, then a 5.
It's up to you, but if you ask something that is a no-no, don't worry. Plenty of the guys here will tell ya!

Garden weeds

Active Member
you got 72 hours knowledge? not dissin you or nothing but that is nothing, some of the guys on here have years of experience and would still say they dont know enough. it takes ages mate to learn the ins and outs there is so much to learn like different nutes, methods and how to deal with problems, and thats just the basics. best thing to do is ask as many questions as you can like you just did, only way forward, all the guys on RIU are friendly and are happy to help... happy growing my friend :)
I really appreciate all your guys' help im just frustrated. Can anyone tell me what other soil i can mix for that schedule i posted up there?

Garden weeds

Active Member
I really appreciate all your guys' help im just frustrated. Can anyone tell me what other soil i can mix for that schedule i posted up there?
like chucky already said there are multiple answers to these questions, if you want MY opinion, for your first grow you can use any soil/compost from your local garden centre and your plant will grow, or i would reccomened bio-bizz light mix, which has been recommended by a friend to be really good. happy growing GW
like chucky already said there are multiple answers to these questions, if you want MY opinion, for your first grow you can use any soil/compost from your local garden centre and your plant will grow, or i would reccomened bio-bizz light mix, which has been recommended by a friend to be really good. happy growing GW
could i use that schedule if i use bio bizz light mix?