first grow


Well-Known Member
I dont have many pics because my old phone was misplaced. Let me know what you guys thinkIMG_0049.jpgIMG_0050.jpgIMG_0057.jpgIMG_0054.jpg this is her at 10 weeks


Active Member
Bag seed or do you know the strain? Obviously ndica dominant. You have heat issues? I only ask because of some of the leaf edges. She looks quite tasty for 4 weeks. Dude, one of the happiest days of your life will be taking the first hit of bud you grew! It is a thrill you will never forget. Best of luck and +REP for first grow.


Well-Known Member
the strain is called milf and it is indica dom. its a strain that a local shop bred but i cant remember off the top of my head what two he used to do it. ill find out tomorrow and let you know. and im trying to find a way to raise my light a little, its too close, the room temp stays at about 79-81 degrees(lights on) though. Im pretty pumped about it, this is the one lady that lived through everything. the others got root aphids so i took them early and made some butter. i havent tried the butter yet but my dad loves it.


Looks really good what kind of light are you using to get such good results. 400+? and did you LST the stem? or is it just cause the size


Active Member
Root aphids? HMM. Not to change the subject but i recently had an infestation of fungus gnats. Got this stuff called Go Gnats, also supposed mto kill root aphids. Well as far as the fungus gnats are concerned, the stuff is the shit. Infestation gone in one application no muss no fuss...For future reference.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. its a 1k watt but i have it on the 750 watt setting and i just let her grow, no training. and thanks for the info, i was a couple weeks into flower when i noticed the little bastards. i just took the other 9 down before they got to her. i really fucking hate those things. im sure they came from the soil i bought, dont really know how i couldve avoided that other than just not using soil at all