yeah I was just about to say that. They are to close, when they get bigger not only will they fight for nutrients, but also for light.i think u might need to space your plants out a little more .. i've heard 3 feet apart for best root system and plants wont choke one another out ...
yes people say plant near pine trees cause infrared heli cams .. but your plants usually die unless you have separate dirt from that of near the tree. I hope to get some pics up of my growing experience more thing, just in case. Dont use pine needles to cover up your soil though, it makes the ground very acidic and usually kills plants.
not sure if you have any pine trees nearby, but I thought just in case I better make sure you know that. Even though we are competing, I dont want your plants to die lol = )
Thanks for the tip guys, how long do you think it would be ok for me to leave them like this before I have to move them further apart? Do you think I could hold out until I can find out the sex?
Well they wouldnt really be a threat to each other for another month or two, but you have to realize that the longer you wait the more developed the root structure is going to be, and the harder it is goign to be to transplant.
I would transplant now, so that you dont have to worry about it. By the time the plants show sex, its goign to be a bitch to transplant.