First grow.

The lower limbs of my plants have tiny buds. Should i cut them off or leave them?

I am also wandering how to get the plants to bush out like the pictures I see on here. My plants grew straight up like a christmas tree.
Here are a few photos. Let me know what ya think. They are in 1 gallon pots. They are 5 weeks into flowering. Well 5 weeks since I changed the light cycle. Is this the size they should be at this point? I think they are small but this is my first grow so... let me know. Thanx-420 4ever!


Well-Known Member
Seriously?!?! You have them in flower and you want to chop buds off of it?!?!? You have a ton of reading to do my friend.
I dont want to cut them. I was thinking that cutting the little ones off, mainly the two at the bottom, that are very, very small, would make the top buds get bigger. They dont even look like bud just a little cluster of white hairs.


Well-Known Member
Sigh.....they all start out as little buds. I don't want to be rude....I really don't, but it appears that you do not understand how a plant works. Leave the buds, leave the leaves...all of're over-thinking this. Keep it simple. Between the plant and you, the plant is much smarter about growing than's doing what it's doing because that's what supposed to happen.

Look at any of my grows in my signature. I documented all of them with pictures to give you a feel of how a grow should go.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
personally I would not cut the lower buds offs, especially since it appears the plants are not overly thick or bushy ....the lower buds may be smaller but will be smokable
Thanks Critical. Thats what I was looking for.(topping and LST) And as for the lights, I have 3 2400k fluorescent light bulbs and 2 3ft undercabinet fluorescent lights on them. While they were vegging, I had 3 6500k bulbs on them. I'm just getting started at this indoor growing. I just kind of winged it on these two plants. But I am doing my research, so i should be ready for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey man you gotta start somewhere. You are already ahead of some people that just talk about the pounds they are gonna harvest from a future plant they plan on growing. Like the above posts said, leave everything be. Get this to finish, get yourself a pocket microscope or jewelers loupe to check the trichomes in a few weeks as well. Observe and make mental notes, keep reading and have fun learning. Good Luck and Happy growing.
Which one of those methods would you advise me to do with my inexperience. (main lining, topping, or LST) The LST looks the easiest.


Well-Known Member
One thing I can say is let your experience mold your gardening skills. Try all of the meathods of training then you will find what best suits you and your style. When I started I had one 1000 watt bulb and hood and I can still vividly remember just trying any meathod until I found results I liked. From there it's just fine tuning and reading these stickes and threads. it'll hone your skills even better. One thing good about this forum is a lot of us are past our trial and error parts and have a system we work well, just watch listen and learn, it will take you far. Don't be scared if you hurt a plant or two it's all experience! We wouldn't learn anything if we never failed:)


New Member
hi complete noob here. i have 4 pineapple chunk plants started them in 6.5ltr pots on veg and changed to 10ltr once I put them on 12/12 and now 2 weeks into flower the roots are starting to hang out of the drainage holes. they are around 2 foot tall now and very bushy, do i need to transfer to bigger pots??? also the top fan leaves have turned a light cloudy color and growth seems to have stopped in the last week. please help!!!! as i said complete noob so any help is appreciated thanks
I think I'm doing okay for my first grow jack. Its only two plants and i have 5 more seeds on the way. That is why I am doing this research. I'll take more time with these new seeds and Ill get better and better with each grow. Especially with all this help and info I'm getting from this site. As for the question about cutting the little small buds at the bottom, I saw youtube vids saying to do that and I thought I'd get a few opinions before I did. I'm not sure if it's okay to transplant once they've started flowering insomniac. Good question.
you can trim the bottom 1/4 to 1/3 of your plant of everything if you want to, pumps more poundage into the upper buds, i've gone through and not trimmed a thing and those tiny buds at the very bottom end up being a 1/20th of a gram dry, it's all just whatever you want to do, keep them, don't keep them, all the same
Two more question:lol: When its time to harvest, do I wait for most of the hair to turn red on the entire plant or the cola? The newer buds at the bottom are all white and still have some growing to do but the bigger buds at the top are starting to turn red. Will the trichomes turn on the entire plants or will it do it in sections? Also, when should I water them? Morning or Evening?
different parts of the plant mature at different times, the bottom parts of the plant may be a few weeks behind your top cola, if you don't have a microscope the best identifier they are ready to be picked is 75-80% red hairs vs white hairs, but you'll know 100% when to harvest if you go get a 5 dollar microscope. can't help you with when to water, helps bake the soil if you do it in the morning and helps contribute to fungus and all that crap if you do it at night. I water in the mornings