first grow


Active Member
Germinated two seeds in wet paper towel, and they both germinated fine. moved them in to normal compost (not sterilised), and have them under a fluorescent in my cupboard. They are both ten days old (from planting), one is about 7cm tall with the fourth set of leaves coming out, and the other i about 12cm tall with the fifth set of leaves coming out. They are under 18 hours of light a day. i also have a fan blowing 6 hours a day, as i heard this strengthened the stalks, like wind. i hope to have pics posted of them soon.


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Master Kush x KC33
first two pictures are at 4 days. second two at 11 days. the one in the orange pot (plant 1) was transplasnted into a bigger brown pot. the root ball wasnt very big, so im going to wait for a little longer until i transplant the one in the green pot (plant 2).
scary, i didnt know the pics would be this big, next time ill scale 'em down. they're under a 20watt flourescent at quite close range (bout 10cm). gonna move them out in a week or two (GB), and then fertilise them with p-k-n fertiliser. This is my first grow, so im kinda stumbling my way along, learning from my mistakes. Any comments and advice would be greatly appreciated, like how much to water them?!?!


Well-Known Member
Still sounds like you have the plan, the pictures back up your early progress. According to Garden Knowm ( SeeMoreBuds) you need to get a 'feel' for your plants watering. Pick it up and feel the weight before you water and after. VV


Active Member
mine looks like the one in the orange pot at 5 days old, i didn't germinate it. I grow tomatoes n i just put a seed about a half inch down. It popped up in 2 days. I transplanted it into a compost pot n 2day i just planted it in the ground ekk kinda a fast start


Active Member
mine looks like the one in the orange pot at 5 days old, i didn't germinate it. I grow tomatoes n i just put a seed about a half inch down. It popped up in 2 days. I transplanted it into a compost pot n 2day i just planted it in the ground ekk kinda a fast start
i wold have done it faster too, but i live in england and the weather has been shank, so i thought i betta grow em a bit bigger and stronger so im sure they survive. ive got a fan blowing them as it is sposed to make the stem grow thick, but im not sure if its working.

Plants are starting to smell a little now by the latest node :mrgreen:


Active Member

decided to keep posting big pictures, it will be useful when i need help identifying sex.
i think their 15 days old now. im moving the one in the small pot into a bigger one in the next couple of days. just realised, i maybe shoulld have posted this thread in journals. oh well


Active Member
forgot to say, the leaves of one plant are going yellow and furling up. is this a nitrate deficient plant? im pretty sure its not to do with watering


Active Member

day, urm, 20 or summin like that, probably closer to 25. lookin juicy, started using miracle grow, as i thought this would get rid of that nasty yellowy brown colour, which i presumed was a nitrate deffiency. puttin em in the woods on friday. fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
gricka mate planting them in the woods in england is NOT a good idea man its gona get real cold soon bro leave them inside mate they're lookin like fine puppys so far man to put them outside in our weather would b crazy i have put a plant outside before not good mate you got slugs n snails all that shit + you should know some pikey is gona rob it if he finds it!! good luck mate hope you keep up at least 1 indoors so u can see the diffrence in bud 2! keep us posted bro...


Active Member
Hey Gricka, this is my first post and my first real grow! I have a kinda guerilla outdoor grow thing going on! I have 10x LR#2, 6x Purple power, 4x Thai Haze, 4x Early mistys and 2x Hollands Hope. Quite a combination! I soaked seeds to germinate and then potted in shed and within a few days of them sprouting I moved them outside into sorta mini greenhouses. Temp & humidity are surprisingly high in these little things. and seem to be doing ok, although a few have not yet sprouted...
I'll keep ya posted.
PS anyone else here starting an outdoor grow in Ireland or UK?



Well-Known Member
lmfao see this guys little glass dome
lol thats what you need if you gona put em outside in the uk bro!!
we have real heavy rain that would crush and drown a plant in seconds but i spose its where you live in the uk but all of england gets cold.. thats how mine died.. rain battered it within a inch of its life and well after the beatin it took it died.
if i ever try it again id use a glass dome like his theyr the mutts nuts look at em!! but could be a little bit bigger


Active Member
Iv had my plant outside for 2 - 3 weeks
and it aint as big as that :sad:
thats cos these have been growing indoors to the present, im moving them out tommorow. thanks for the counsel UKcyrus, and ive thought over what you've said. i live with my parents and i wanna move em out b4 they notice them. kl dome, looks like somin off mars. been planning it for a while, and ive decided im gonna have a big transparent bag over the plant, supported by four canes in the ground, to stop rain, wind etc until they're big enough to survive and its better weather. heres a photo i took just a minute ago:

starting to smell more now, and the miracle grow is doing wonders :mrgreen:


Active Member
i sincerley hope that you are wrong UKcyrus, for my sake. Also, I doubt ill get any pikies nicking my dope. im planting in a christmas tree plantation. i know the guy who owns it, and he doesnt go in there apart from xmas. its really dense and its impossible to move unless you get on your hands and knees. you'll understand when i get a picture up.


Active Member
Gricka, very interesting, ur idea about a mini greenhouse. I am thinking of using these domes i have and as the plant gets bigger i am going to make a transparent tube with holes in and place the dome on top to allow the plants to grow or until like you said the weather turns good...
My only concern is are the stems going to be strong enough? I'll take some more pics over the weekend and let you know how I get on.
Btw urs are looking excellent! What type of Miracle Grow are you using and how much and how often?
I am going to run a couple more Early Misties but this time under cfls in the shed for a few weeks and see the difference...


Active Member
Put them out yesterday :-?
For the plant shelter, I used a polythene bag which I conveniently found stuck in a bush right by me. It just protects from heavy rain drops, not wind or animals, as its a sheet held up by four sticks in the ground. there isnt much wind anyway, as the forest is so dense, and im just hoping animals dont eat it. Sprinkled some hormone root powder and slug pellets around the plant.
Thanks Kimoman, I reckon they look alright, but i guess thats also to do with the strain. I had a portable hand fan blowing them every now and again when they were indoors to strengthen their stems, so i just gotta hope their strong enough to withstand the wind. I was and still am using miracle grow concentrated outdoor plant food (at least i think thats what its called). a green liquid that suggests you dilute it to ridiculous concentrations. i mixed it up so it was about 3x stronger than it suggested, and that worked absolutley fine, but it might be damaging for plants younger than 3 weeks. plus, the rain and ground moisture will dilute it alot, so i recomend mixin it strong.
ill try and get out there on friday afternoon to see if there still alive, and see if i can differentiate sexes yet.
last exam on friday! :mrgreen: