First growlog pics & rockwool questions (PICS)


Active Member

Ok, I finally got my ladies sprouted, but I have a few questions.

1) Out of 5 seeds, only 2 germinated. Is that normal for Greenhouse Seed Co? I put the other 3 in a sandpaper roll and shook the hell outta it and now they are back in the wet paper towels. The first 2 sprouted their tails within 2 or 3 days, and it has been like 5 for the other 3... Is that normal? 4 out of the 5 freebie seeds have cracked, and two have already sprouted... WTF??? Will those other 3 ever crack?

2) How wet should the rockwool be? I soaked them in conditioner for 8 hours, then rinsed them and let them drain before I planted the seeds in them. Now they are not dripping wet but they will drip if lightly squeezed.

3) What about temp and humidity. I have them in a little mini-tray w/a clear lid that I got off eBay, the kind that 12 of those expanding pellets come in. Well I took out the pellets and used that tray for the rockwool cubes, since I didn't want to use a whole big standard size tray for only ten cubes... Now the seedlings are too tall for the tray so I stuck 2 upside-down U shaped pieces of wire in there to give the top a few more inches. Then I wrapped it in saran wrap to keep in the humidity with two small holes at either end for fresh air. Do they need fresh air?. And at what temp and humidity should they be? I have them on a heating pad and it is toasty warm in their little chamber.

4) How do my cotyledon leaves look? are they normal looking? Are they supposed to be partially brown? The only other time I've done this was many many years ago and I can't remember what they're supposed to look like...

Any help greatly appreciated!

My Incubation Chamber:

My Seedlings:



Well-Known Member

Ok, I finally got my ladies sprouted, but I have a few questions.

1) Out of 5 seeds, only 2 germinated. Is that normal for Greenhouse Seed Co? I put the other 3 in a sandpaper roll and shook the hell outta it and now they are back in the wet paper towels. The first 2 sprouted their tails within 2 or 3 days, and it has been like 5 for the other 3... Is that normal? 4 out of the 5 freebie seeds have cracked, and two have already sprouted... WTF??? Will those other 3 ever crack?

2) How wet should the rockwool be? I soaked them in conditioner for 8 hours, then rinsed them and let them drain before I planted the seeds in them. Now they are not dripping wet but they will drip if lightly squeezed.

3) What about temp and humidity. I have them in a little mini-tray w/a clear lid that I got off eBay, the kind that 12 of those expanding pellets come in. Well I took out the pellets and used that tray for the rockwool cubes, since I didn't want to use a whole big standard size tray for only ten cubes... Now the seedlings are too tall for the tray so I stuck 2 upside-down U shaped pieces of wire in there to give the top a few more inches. Then I wrapped it in saran wrap to keep in the humidity with two small holes at either end for fresh air. Do they need fresh air?. And at what temp and humidity should they be? I have them on a heating pad and it is toasty warm in their little chamber.

4) How do my cotyledon leaves look? are they normal looking? Are they supposed to be partially brown? The only other time I've done this was many many years ago and I can't remember what they're supposed to look like...

Any help greatly appreciated!

My Incubation Chamber:

My Seedlings:

after they sprout take off the dome they will be too wet with it on there, soak rockwool then kinda like shake out until it stops dropping never squeeze it your leves are browning prolly due to high humidity if you got that dome on em at least they look super wet and listen to the hottie and get light on em, what light are you usein


Active Member
Ok, here they are today.

WW #1:

WW #2:

HS #1:

and HS #2:

I took the dome off of them, and put them about 8" under a 100W 6500K CFL, is that acceptable?

Do they all look like they will survive, or do WW#2 and HS#2 look like they might die?

Does it matter if the cotyledon leaves die if the other two leaves survive?

Any assistance greatly appreciated...