First Guerilla Grow Help/Advice

Ok so I started this plant from seed (unknown mids bagseed) 6 weeks ago my first plant that managed to survive the seedling stage, for the first 2 weeks I had it under 3 26w daylight cfls and in jiffy starter mix. I then transfered outside to a field surrounded by about 10 acres of dense forest. Currently its in a 2.5 gal pot with organic soil and perlite, the only nutes im using are molasses bone meal and chicken manure. This is my first post and I wanted to know based on the pics below does it look sativa or indica dominant or more of a 50/50, it gets cold around mid october here and I know sativas take longer to flower, mine hasnt started btw. Also based on the structure does this look like a male or female (I know its impossible to tell without preflowers). oh yea there is 1 single translucent hair right behind the internode on the 5th node but no visible catalyx I know the pics blurry but does that look like preflower or just new growth its definately not a stipule.

