First harvest — rain advice?

Yea I try to be preventative but Oregon is pretty conducive to fungus. I know myclobutanil turns into like cyanide when heated but I’m assuming it’s OK to use on a mother plant with some recurrent powdery mildew? I keep her well ventilated but still see tiny little spots of white fuzz every now and then.
I think I think the consensus is going to be that you need a new mother but maybe someone has some other suggestions out there. I grow outdoors from seed so... growing outdoors I like the yield you get from seed.
Get a new mother because the genetics are susceptible to powdery mildew? It doesn’t seem to be enough of a problem to actually kill the plant. I’d rather just clean it up every now and then, instead of scrapping all the time I’ve invested growing her from pricey seed...
the best method I've found for PM is 1 gal water, 1 TBS baking soda, a teaspoon veg oil (neem or horticultural oil if still in veg), and a drop of liquid soap... it wipes out PM right before your eyes ... forget all that expensive BS with fancy labels, you don't need it ... if I ever have plants in bloom that were about to be exposed to rain I would use this same recipe ahead of the rain, whether they had PM or not ... and then reapply if the rain lets up because it will wash off
the best method I've found for PM is 1 gal water, 1 TBS baking soda, a teaspoon veg oil (neem or horticultural oil if still in veg), and a drop of liquid soap... it wipes out PM right before your eyes ... forget all that expensive BS with fancy labels, you don't need it ... if I ever have plants in bloom that were about to be exposed to rain I would use this same recipe ahead of the rain, whether they had PM or not ... and then reapply if the rain lets up because it will wash off
Sounds good, I’ll try it!