First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

This is my very first attempt to grow some hydro I'm hoping for the best here but will not be too upset if all fails because i've got some other stuff going on right now as well.
I'm using GH floraduo for nutrients I have not heard very much about this product but wanted to try it because it's new, i also have the dyna grow and bloom if anybody thinks that would work better please let me know!!!! Right now the plants (Unknown seeds) are under cfl lighting and sadly the best light i have for it is a 250w metal halide but a buddy of mine is going to lend me his 400w digital hopefully when the time comes!
I have already had one problem about a week ago i put too much water in and they were drowning overnight but i fixed the problem right when i saw it and they went into shock just a little bit but are doing fine now. They are in 2 liter bottles right now but m going to switch them into 5 gallon buckets pretty soon i already have them made up just waiting to get them a little bigger. I have already topped both of them.

If anybody has useful advice or comments for me feel free to!!



Well-Known Member
I have had great results with the Dyna..Good luck with your new systems.


Well-Known Member
Interesting... I wonder what strain they could be?

Oh, edit:
The only thing I noticed is the clay staining on your net pots from the hydroton. Rinse, rinse, rinse thoroughly before using until you see virtually none of that red clay coming out of the rinse water. And you did ph those rocks to 5.5-5.7 yeah?