First hydro what am I doing wrong

It's been years since I ran a flood hydro system, but I only fed 2 times a day for 20min. You say your doing it every hour, seems way to much to me! Not sure what others are doing with them these days. The top may look dry but dig down a bit it stays wet!!
What did you get from fingerhut? I just opened an account with them so I'm curious.
Well it was 5 years ago. I got my humidifier and dehumidifiers. I think I might have got some fertilizer as well as my first clone humidity dome and light. Then overstock I bought my first hood with light, as well as other miscellaneous grow stuff.
It's been years since I ran a flood hydro system, but I only fed 2 times a day for 20min. You say your doing it every hour, seems way to much to me! Not sure what others are doing with them these days. The top may look dry but dig down a bit it stays wet!!
My hydro system is flood. I feed every 2 hours for 15 mins. The importance of flooding every 2 hrs isn’t to feed them multiple times as it’s to replenish the o2 in the Buckets more frequently. The best method being dwc, is because of the Super oxygenated water from 1.5 lpm and higher. They do this with commercial air pumps and air diffusers. In flood, or ebb and flow as it’s called does this by more frequently feeding them.
This is the same for coco. Drain to waste to 15% runoff every 2 hrs in half gallon pots. Ridiculous growth with added co2 and good lighting.
My hydro system is flood. I feed every 2 hours for 15 mins. The importance of flooding every 2 hrs isn’t to feed them multiple times as it’s to replenish the o2 in the Buckets more frequently. The best method being dwc, is because of the Super oxygenated water from 1.5 lpm and higher. They do this with commercial air pumps and air diffusers. In flood, or ebb and flow as it’s called does this by more frequently feeding them.
This is the same for coco. Drain to waste to 15% runoff every 2 hrs in half gallon pots. Ridiculous growth with added co2 and good lighting.
One reason why I run Rez temps low more DO
No a 1000 watts is fine. They look good.
Uv doesn't run all day so you can take 55 watts off and CMHs only 11 hrs and that's 630 watts don't know what it's at wall because CMHs are on 240 circuit I think I am low on watts per square foot but the plan was an 8x3 room with a foot walkway the plants didn't agree with that so I have to call it a 8x4 right
Some punctuation would help others help you, it is difficult to be sure of your meaning in it’s absence.

Your plants look a little hungry to me, maybe. Also looks like mild nutrient imabalance but I cannot tell much from most of the pics, some mild chlorosis? It looks okay overall.

Have you tried flood and drain twice per hour? An hour feels like a long time to me, but I have never done that style, myself.
No I haven't but this is the first go ahead I have received with that aggressive flooding I cannot turn down flood duration so that would be 1/2 hr of the HR in flood stage but I have been wanting to alot of people say hungry I've ran ec up to 2.3 that's what tip burn I am at 1.7 currently I will give them a day see what happens
They look good. We will watch them for a few days And see how they do. We need to teach you how to supercrop your plants. It will double, and possibly triple your yields. But this run you just grow them out so you get a successful run and some good nugs. Stick with me for a few months and I will share some of my techniques with you. I had a really good dude teach me some years ago. The only thing he charged me, was a promise to pay it forward. Which I have kept my word and have always tried to help other ppl to learn the emotionally soothing art of growing. Plants look good. What’s temps in grow room and what’s the temp outside? What part of the world do you live in?
On the pay it forward deal I'm thinking undercurrent 2 pot system room split down middle one side is mine the other belongs to community whatever you guys want to do we will do community laboratory for testing I have a small budget though so take it easy on me
Some punctuation would help others help you, it is difficult to be sure of your meaning in it’s absence.

Your plants look a little hungry to me, maybe. Also looks like mild nutrient imabalance but I cannot tell much from most of the pics, some mild chlorosis? It looks okay overall.

Have you tried flood and drain twice per hour? An hour feels like a long time to me, but I have never done that style, myself.
What is chlorosis