first hydro


Active Member
well to start my set up is i have 12 26watt cfl 1750 lumes per bulb at 2700k and 6 26watt cfl 6500k for 4 plants in a small closet about 3' by 3' and 10' have fan in thier going all the time some co2 during the light cycle from soda water
im running dwc / bubble my drippers are on for hlf hour 4 times a day my res is 18gal but i use just 9 gal of fluid ph is 5.9 steady temp is 67 and hum is 70% had a small light leak at night but i fixed it but it might have been to late they were flowering for about a week befor i cought. it also i am using the gh flora nutes and have then at the bloom schedual of 1/2/3 tbs per gal wish i had pics but the plants have all but stopped growing as much some new growth on the stems but just dont seem to be doing much some leaves are small and spindly like a mag def . dont look like nute burn no tips are burnt . changes res yesterday hope it will pick up also might just be the nutes but the roots look al lil brown color but the gh micro is also the same color ill keep an eye out any help would be wounderful i have read my ass off in here and have done many out doors. but hydro kickin my ass kinda looks like this but much bigger plant about 1 1/2 ' now but new growth looks like this also my grow room dont get alot of inflow of air could it be stagnet air ?


Active Member
really no one damn come on guys why are they not growing worth a shit they shot up like 3x what they were and now are just not growing much at all need help here been 2 weeks from the start of flowering and i think it is close to showing sex could this be just a slow part or is some tihng wrong with the hydroponics all my out side has always gone really smooth might be stressing thought it took less time for indoor .


:bigjoint: yo dude I dont know anything bout hydro but that its complicated.
thats why I use soil its quicker.

heres what im harvesting in 3 days its soil grow I have attached a pic.

good luck dude peace out.


Active Member
damn dude nice plant i have done soil for a long time thought i might give the hydro a chance but its fucking hard till you get it right i guess lol prob go back to more soil soon and just do really small patch of hydro till i get it right see if thier is big diff