First indoor 8 green house bubba, 2 bad seed kush


Active Member
Hey long time reader first time indo grow. Quick run down of my set up. All soil piggy backing off my buddy's 600w mh tent for the first two weeks until I get my mother room set up. Mother room going to be alot of florescent 4 foot tubes, 90w led I found in my closet. Probably will use this for clones too. The flower room will be a 1k w hps and countless Cfls to be added. I plan on a sog grow. I will post more exact dimensions but mother room is about 7 foot cubes and flower is 7 foot ceiling and practically an entire basement. The plan is to clone every 2 weeks and let them root and straight into the flower room. I will be adding a second 1k hps by the second batch of clones. My nuetrience I'm using is Dutch Nuet Formula and my mentor has a bunch of fox farm shit he will educate and supply me on. I have a few questions to ask if any one could help with.

Size of pots for mothers? I have 3 gallon, sufficient?
Foods and nuets broaden my horrizens
How many florrencents should I have for mother I have 3 double tubed 4 foots and Cfls?
Is two weeks ok to take more clones?


Active Member
So none of those green house beans popped and only one of the bagseed beans popped so I traded for three afghan seedling that were put into the dark for lack of room at a friends house. They sprang back gunna hit em with some dnf grow, got two flourecents and just hooked the little 90w led up. I'll post pics later tonight hopefully. Cloning this weekend btw


Active Member
ok so ive been real bussy but theres are some snap shots of the ladies first week i got em before the nutrient. This was after watering them and nursing for like 3 days.



Active Member
Camera got wiped I took a batch of clones two weeks ago and they all died lol just took another batch and fill my cloning machine going to upload new pics Monday
ps wish there was a way to change the name of this thread
pps quick question could I possibly use a 1000w hps to run full flower cycle for 30 + cloned no no veg