First Indoor - Asstd. Bagseed CFL


Well-Known Member
So I did exactly what EVERYONE says not to do to Plant 3... and trimmed off a bunch of big Fan leaves... on purpose and knowingly that is.... :P

Plant 3 has been a real experiment.. I've done basically every wrong thing to it possible.. I FIMed it too early, I've been trimming the shit out of it - including big fan leaves, nuted it way to early, foliar feeding... lol. It's really helped me learn a lot from my first grow - by tormenting the hell out of Plant 3, LSTing Plant 2, and babying Plant 1 - I'm able to compare them all and see how I've affected them by things I've done. Really nice.

I'm going to update in a minute so everyone (all 2 of you? lol) can see their progression. Going 12/12 in 5 days. :D


Well-Known Member
DAY 31

Pic 1: My whole "technologically advanced"setup. :P 186w CFL 2700k -3500k - 5300k. The three 31 day old plants (one "died"), and three 2 week old plants.

Pic 2: Plant 1 FIM.. showing 4 tops. I moved a fan leaf out of the way so the plant density could be seen. It's my baby. :P

Pic 3: Plant 3 FIM.. showing 9-11 tops (can't really tell lol)... It's my experiment plant. Just trimmed off a bunch of fan leaves so smaller/newer ones can get more light. The plant is so damn dense from me mutilating it, the new leaves are crowded like hell. I've taken it farther from the light than usually in hopes that it will branch out a bit.

Pic 4: Plant 2 FIM/LST.. Showing 5 tops. This plant is the closest to any grow I've ever done... I've grown outdoors a hand full of times and have gotten some experience doing LST/HST.. so this plant is pretty normal for me, just on a smaller scale. :P

Pic 5: Just another shot of Plant 2 showing the LST a bit more. Those deadened leaf tips are old - decided against trimming, figured I'd see how nature handled it.

Pic 6/7: Shots of my younger plants - nothing too special yet. :P

So there's my lil jitterbugs (children)... Going 12/12 in 3-5 days.. Depending on when I get my light traps made and get more 2700k Bulbs. That's really about all - mainly just a Pic Update.

Hit me up people, let me know what ya think! :D All comments welcome - except rude/irrelevant comments... nah just kidding, I'll allow those too. haha



Well-Known Member
LUVNG the grow i just started my closet grow with 4 plants put seeds in the soil today.hopfuly all goes well =]

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
So I did exactly what EVERYONE says not to do to Plant 3... and trimmed off a bunch of big Fan leaves... on purpose and knowingly that is.... :P

Plant 3 has been a real experiment.. I've done basically every wrong thing to it possible.. I FIMed it too early, I've been trimming the shit out of it - including big fan leaves, nuted it way to early, foliar feeding... lol. It's really helped me learn a lot from my first grow - by tormenting the hell out of Plant 3, LSTing Plant 2, and babying Plant 1 - I'm able to compare them all and see how I've affected them by things I've done. Really nice.

I'm going to update in a minute so everyone (all 2 of you? lol) can see their progression. Going 12/12 in 5 days. :D
My first two grows I tortured the fuck out of my plants......experimenting et al.....still got some good smoke and learned a bunch. It was fun!


Well-Known Member
4 days on 12/12... had some issues at day 1, went back to 18/6 for 3 days... then back to 12/12... which has been 4 days... lol


Active Member
Great stuff so far!

Which plant was the female?

I'll be starting my bagseed PC case grow in a week or so when I finish moving into my new place =D