First Indoor Closet Grow


Active Member
hey this is my first indoor closet grow, its about 26 days old under a 28w 5000k cfl, im a bit late for this journal thing but ill post all the old pics upto 2day....

first can any1 tell me how to put pics on here without the tag so you can just see it on the page???


Well-Known Member
The plant is looking good. Do you know the strain ? Also will you add more light ?


Active Member
bought a 48W 3000k cfl on the 30th, plus the 28W 5000k cfl which is 76W total, (does any1 no if that will be enough for a descent yeild)???


Well-Known Member
That's a really good looking plant!! congrants tilly. I would say you'll get around 5 to 10g with 76W so it depends how much you want to get ;)

Edit: Which strain are you growing ??

P.S. You should try to upload the pictures to show the small preview image you can click on, way cooler ;)


Well-Known Member
hey tilly, ive got a 45W 6500 K CFL, sort of in a closet space, more like on a shelf in a small room that used to be a porch but was transformed into an indoor extension of the room it was attached to.
also have a aluminum foil hat i made for the CFL. similar progress to yours so im sub'ed! :weed:
ive read that 6500 K CFL's are best for the veg stage as they simulate the daylight color the best - and down to 2700 K for flowering.