First indoor Garden

small update:i was away for a month and i had set the watering system for once a week. Turns out they probably almost died of drought. They lost alot of leaves but some pepper's still turned red. Testing the heat from these peppers was quite an event and almost proved fatal to my taste buds :fire:... Like they are very very hot and 24 hours later and multiple hand washing, i can't touch my eyes unless i want them to burn for like 30 minutes.
Here are some pics anyway, they'll recover over the next weeks
Noticed some thrips in my plants. Will treat with Safers trounce asap. I am also removing eggs i see. Adding 2.5g/L of white sugar is recommended to make thrips more active. Will update
I guess previous issues with this grow were ph related. I have no problem in promix with the same nutrients and non ph'ed water. They are doing very well and growing fast
Going strong, no more edema. Ec is 2,25.
They wilted a week ago when i was away they lacked water. They popped back up though
update on transplated plants. After they almost fied from cold weather, yields were awesome i got around 2-3 lb per plant more
Sold a 5 gallon bucket for 80$ and made sauce with the rest