first indoor grow


Active Member
New to the board so first and foremost, greetings to all.

I've got Jock Horror from you know where...good for the first timer (like me).

Here's my closet : Suncast Utility Storage Base Cabinet : Lawn & Garden Supplies

I'm planning on germinating my seeds (hoping for 3-4 sprouts) then starting them in jiffy pots with FF Ocean Forest.

I'll be starting them with 6 26w daylight cfls hung about 2" above plants.

Once the 4th node appears, I'll transplant them in a 3-4 gallon planter with drainage. I'll put rocks in the bottom and create a medium of FF Ocean Forest and Black Magic potting soil. Do I need perilite? I'll water them every other day and won't feed them for about 2-3 weeks. When I start feeding, it will be a 20-20-20 mixture at half strength.

I'll be using a 6 bulb T-5 setup with 4 blue 2 red through the veggie stage. Bulbs will remain 2-3 inches above plants. I might incorporate the CFLs from the sprouting stage to place around for more foliage coverage. I'll have them on an 18/6 schedule.

I'm thinking I'll only need one fan for circulation, but I'll check temp daily just in case. I'll also be using the "homemade" carbon filter found on the board for odor control.

At 2 feet, I'll start flowering with an initial full 24 hours of darkness then start 12/12. I'll replace 2 blue bulbs with 2 red ones for a 4 red 2 blue mix. I'll back my nutes down a bit using a 10-20-10 solution.

When the white hairs (I'll execute the males) on the females turn orange, I'll harvest. I'll dry them in rubbermaid containers for a week, turning them a couple of times daily. I'll strip the good stuff and put it in glass jars for further curing. Hoping for an oz per plant.

Comments and or critisizms please.


Well-Known Member
sounds really good. hope everything goes to plan. as for the perilite, id throw some in...cant hurt anything.

ill be watching this one
good luck