FIRST INDOOR SOIL GROW!! 400w MH seeds planted 8/19/2011


Well-Known Member
Ive finally ventured into doing an indoor grow (ive only grown one outdoor plant which was cheap bag seed). I waited until my seeds arrived in the mail to purchase all the equipment but im finally set for now.

400w MH light
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
General Hydroponcs nutes (got them for free and was told then can be used for soil as well)

-seeds planted
#1-World of seeds Afghan Kush Ryder
#2-DNA chocolope
#3-LA Confidential

PLUS freebies which ill most likely leave outdoors
both DinaFem
#4-Super Silver
#5-White Siberian

all feminized

QUESTIONS: I planted all seeds in 1 gal nursery buckets, what size buckets should i use when transplanting them in the future? theyre all different strains (duh!) and different sizes (when fully grown...duh!) but has anyone experienced these strains and the size of buckets needed?

any help or input is HIGHLY welcome, i will update again when/if seeds sprout.


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't go any less then 5 gal buckets for each one individually. But it really depends on how long you plan to veg., space in which you have to grow. The L.A. is the best i've ever burned and usually stays pretty squat. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the fast response! space isnt an issue, i would be more of the space i can gorw on using only the 400w light


Well-Known Member
Try putting them in 3 gal buckets individually, Veg for 2-3 wks. so they dont get to big (they'll double in size when flowering, easy). Move them around under the 400 to try to get an even dispersal of light


Well-Known Member
You have yourself a fine selection of strains there. I'm sure that Chocolope will be very nice.....

As for your pot size question, I agree with ghantron ^^^ When it's time to transplant I would use 2-3gallon pots. That is unless you plan on vegging them for 6 weeks or something.. just be sure not to over water them ladies... It's very easy for new soil growers to do this, myself included..


Well-Known Member
thanks, and ive learned quite a bit from my first grow when it comes to watering and what not. but ill definitely be much more careful with these babies.


Well-Known Member
a good tip for soil i found, was use at least 20% perlite, or sphagnum moss. Helps soil breathe and root growth. Also one of the best things you can add to your soil is to put about an inch layer of sand on top of the soil. The sand makes a barrier, keeping out algae, fungus gnats, alot of pests that can reach your soil, which in turn are vectors for diseases. (if you add sand u wont need to water as much)


Well-Known Member
I got desperate and used a spoon to dig up a small are where i knew the seeds were. I dug up the white siberian and im going to try the paper towel method on it and if it works im gonna do the same wiht the rest! will keep you guys updated

I noticed the seed had actually began cracking VERY VERY slitghtly on one side. So maybe it was going the right way. anyway ill keep yall updated


Well-Known Member
ok HELP!! chocolope sprouted but what popped through the dirt is white, looks like it might be the root side not the "plant" side. heres a picture can you guys help out? if its the root part whats the best way to about re planting it correctly without causing damage?



Well-Known Member
anyone? if its root i dont want to keep letting light hitting it and if its plant i want to give it light asap!!


Well-Known Member
it popped out of the soil leave it, if u dug it up replace it. by now u should see the cotyledons maybe the start of the first pair


Well-Known Member
i dug it out to find the root pushed the seed even deeper and the seed shell had came off already, i took out the whole "plant" and found the cotyledons still stuck together but separating at the tip they look like this (l) (sorry thats my best impression haha). I planted the root side down and the cotyledons BARELY peeking out of the dirt. When i took them out hours ago they seemed white/yellow, ive had it under my 4 ft cool tubes and now its starting to look green. Hopefully i saved this one.

The rest of the plants still show nothing and the one i have in the "paper towel" method still hasnt shown anything either.

At this point i feel like i planted them too deep, plus planting them upside didnt help either. Ill be happy with one healthy plant. Im still going to water the rest for another week and see if anything happens.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't plant em straight into the 3 or 5 gallon containers... put em in something small to start with and do a transplant or two up to flowering.
Final transplant into 5 gallon right before the switch, dust the rootball with Mycostim or a similar product between each transplant to avoid shock

Nice name, btw ;)