First inside grow.... Week no. 6


Well-Known Member
Even though week 6 starts tomorrow, I thought it would be nice to give everyone a heads up since I wont be here all day tomorrow to show it....I just potted them yesterday... And trimmed them last week...... I think they're doing all right.... I want to give it another 3 weks veg before beginning flower.....Pics below!!!!



Active Member
Right arm bro.. looking good. I'm on week 5 of my first grow. It's nice to compare my plants to yours to have an idea of where I'm at..



Well-Known Member
They do look pretty phucking big for 6 weeks dont they? Ore atleast to me they look phucking big


Well-Known Member
Thanks Man...... Thank you everyone for your words of inspiration....This is not only my first grow inside but it is also my first grow all together..... I really hope I can get the flowering down right!!!!