First joint from my first grow.


Smells like straight pine sol, but im half a joint in and im high as a kite. Its friday and I dont work tomorrow. Today is a good day. 'Nuff said.

Had to tell someone.


Oh I work, just not on rain days. Making today a good day to chill and be high. Wife is at work giving me the house to myself.


Well-Known Member
When you say pine sol, do you mean it smells piney?

lol i'd hope it doesn't actually smell like that cleaner shit man.

i love smokin joints of a harvest to see if it's ready for jars :D


Well-Known Member
First weekend of my work week. :p

I love having a job again.
I just found out someone I grew up with got a 100k BONUS last year, in addition to his salary...sure made me feel shitty, but I'm glad I have a job that I like. And I don't work tomorrow either!! I NEVER get Saturday off!! Maybe I'll start looking for a new job.