First journal,Red Dragon,Pineapple chunk.Papaya and Afghan Kush


Hi all, so this is going to be my first journal.
Where to start?..seeds.all the seeds are from barneys.Red dragon,papaya and pineapple chunk are all feminised, and afghan kush is not.(i think i placed an order for 4 feminised seeds) but after a smoke....who knows.
Germination,i used a bowl from the kitchen,placed some wet papertowl in the bowl, seeds go in and cover with a somewhere warm(like my kitchen) and waited.
three days later i checked to find all four had roots. moved them into 1" rockwool cubes then into my homemade propagater,(see pics) its a clear tube from poundland turned upside down.
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my homemade propagater then went into the this time i found out that forward planning was so inportant, as i did'nt have a light....shit! so off to the d.i.y shop but all i could find was a twin t8 tube light.oh well got to use something.
put the propagater on top of the wilma,put the light up and lowered it to just above the top,close as possible.
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just a pic of the empty tent and fan set up and my wilma..
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i got a 45ltr bag of clay pebbles,washed the bits and dust off in the sink(the wife loved this as all the little bits went down and blocked the plug hole)sorry babe.
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now the wilma is the four pot,not the big four pot. 11ltr pots and a 35ltr res.i also got an air pump (fleebay) for the res and have been trying out different air stones and pipe layout... but had to settle for the air stone that come with the kit as the pump is just not man enough to run 2 or any other stone.
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ill upload more later today and ill explain more too.:joint:time


so after aweek in the propagater i moved them to the 4" cubes and place them in the wilma(11ltr pots fill with clay).feeding only quarter nutes(ionic grow) every 12hrs for 15 mins at atime.under 250w hps,running 18/6.4"exhaust fan running all the time.
sorry about the pics,still trying to work it out. before anyone ask,its a large sheet of cardboard cut to the size of my tent,with holes cut out to stand the pots through,the pots are still seating in the wilma with the cardboard just laying on stops the light getting to the water res.


about a week later....ds5.jpg
only one pic,cant remember why only one pic.....? "smoke weed everyday"
now up the nutes to half and feeding every 6 hrs,15mins a time.


2 weeks and 4 days, and there has been some serious growth,well for me!!
ph at this point is 5.8 and temp is 31oC. still using half nutes
still in the same order as the other pics..
still running 250w 18/6.
next i top rd,pc,ak and supercrop papaya.again cant remember why i didnt take any pics of before and after..."smoke weed..."
Full nutes now and changed feeding to every 3hrs for 5.9 and temp now 27oC. also now using 2, 4" fans,one inlet and one out


4th week..
had a little go at lst on all four as you may be able to tell.things are moving fast real time im at the start of week 5 now and going to put into flower in the day or so.ill upload some more tomorrow when the light is back on. anything ive missed? anything to add?how do it look so far?