First JTR run, I have questions.

Long Dogg

I am on week five with two of my JTR females (first run)
Both are very frosty
Both have a strong lemon cleaner smell
Both are tall and stretched lots.
One i am going to throw out because the buds are puny and spaced out.
the other looks like it has potential to fill in over four weeks, but at the moment she is lean.

anyone else have experience with this girl?, does she pack on weight soon or what?
I topped them both, i later found out its not recommended to top them, next run im thinking of trying her single cola to see if there is a difference.

I also cracked another JTR seed after these girls, dont know the sex yet, but it grows three sets of leaves at every node. I think you call it a trifoliate. Is this more than likely to be a waste of time to grow out? If there are any opinions on this.


Well-Known Member
FYI the JTR male we use in breeding was a Trifoliate :)
Yes JTR adds weight seriously in the 7th and 8th week.



Active Member
I've grown out JTR and loved it. Here's what I can tell you:

-Aside from the Pink Lemonade pheno, all the plants put on I would say 60% of their weight during weeks 6-8. I remember thinking the same thing, the stretchier phenos were real sparse until day 45-ish. Then they just packed it on like crazy. Be patient. It'll happen. Keep in mind that the Ripper is what I would consider to be a mid-range producer. So if yield is your main concern, you might wanna check out another variety.

-Fuck a single cola unless you are running a sea of green. Top them early and grow them big if you want them to really yield. I can tell you from experience, done it both ways. An early topping and some LST is the way to go if you're playing the numbers game. Bushes are what you wanna go for.

-My trifoliate turned out to be the Pink lemonade pheno and was some of the most amazing smoke of my life. I miss her alot. So keep the trifoliate. The clones I took from her lost the trait somehow and grew like a normal plant though. Only the seed mother was a trifoliate. So I guess the lesson of this story is, my trifoliate was the dankest one of the pack. Take that for what you will.

Good luck to ya, brother. A bit of advice to ya; unless you want to feel like you've eaten some speed or something, take them at like 20-30% amber trich's. Takes the edge off a bit. My first harvest with them I took them at like 5% amber with a little clear and it was super-duper, flying a spaceship, noided out, speed weed. Awesome high and thoroughly enjoyable during the day, but holy shit if it ain't a bit much sometimes. The Ripper also did wonders for my back pain and muscle spasms, I'm talking better than any Indica I've ever smoked could ever help my pain. Probably all that THC-V in her. :)

Long Dogg

good, no great! replies.

"The clones I took from her lost the trait somehow and grew like a normal plant though"
That is odd and a sad story.

Ill report back at harvest time. Thanks!


Active Member
Other than how cool looking the trifoliate was, nothing else changed. No loss in yield or potency, so I was okay with it. Funny how certain traits change though.

Long Dogg

After I read your post, I looked at it and noticed that after I toped it to clone, the new growth has two sets and not three....interesting


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of my JTR Outdoors she was a triploid at birth then after the sixth node she went normal on me. Look at her now a big gurl so she will yield for me and you treat her right. I did not top this plant at all. Thanks Sub


Long Dogg

yeah, its a slow process, but the calix's get plump when they do.
I have asked for a camera from a friend, ill see about posting at some point.
and on a different note, picked up plush berry :)

Oh!, JTRbushes, how many days at harvest?, at this point im planning for 63 days, ordered a 60-100x microscope to check the trich heads.


Active Member
The latest I ever took them was 65 days and that was about 20% amber for the taller girls and around 30% for the pink lemonade. I always go by trichomes, because days of flowering can vary based on feeding, CO2, etc. They did start throwing a few nanners here and there after around day 60, but I never found any seeds.